Programming Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

In this repository we will create a series of documents that can be used to be a reference for current and future programmers on team 7407. Each document on here should be a short and easy to digest guide to some part of the process of adding to the code base of 7407.

The current version of these notes can be viewed here

Some topics we are looking to add:

  • Setting up a programming environment. This would include:
    • What IDE we generally use
    • How to setup a virtual environment
    • How to setup poetry
    • How to connect to GitHub
  • GitHub Utilization
    • How to get a repo
    • How to make a branch
    • How make a pull request
    • Who reviews a pull request
  • How to use the toolkit
    • What is in the toolkit
    • What do you need to make sure you use
  • Our general robot file structure

How to contribute

To contribute to this repository, you will need to fork it and then make a pull request. If you are unfamiliar with this process, please see this guide.

How to use this repository

To Deploy to Github Pages: push to origin/main. Github Actions will automatically build and deploy to Github Pages.