Blue Whale A inference optimization project using Jetson Nano Authors: Daniel De Leon (Cal Poly) and Danelle Cline (MBARI)
- Create a python3 virtual environment with access to global libraries on the Nano
virtualenv --python=python3 --system-site-packages <virtual_env_name>
- Activate virtual environment
- in bash:
source <virtual_env_name>/bin/activate
- in fish:
. <virtual_env_name>/bin/
- in bash:
- Install juypter notebook in the virtual environment
pip3 install jupyter
- Install custom jupyter notebook kernel
ipython kernel install --name "<kernel_name>" --user
- Run
jupyter notebook
and start a new notebook with your custom "kernel-name"
python3 /usr/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/uff/bin/ <model_name.pb>
- Run uff2engine.ipynb:
- Make sure "Automatically deduced input nodes" and "Automatically deduced out nodes" names are placed in the parser.register_input and parser.register_output function - not the names from graph in TF before making the pb file
- The dimensions of the input, however, do need to match those from TF
- NOTE: builder.build_engine(network,config) function takes about 1.5 minutes - Nano became completely occuppied with this process. Saw significant slow down
- TODO: Find best max_batch_size and max_workspace_size parameter values for engine
- Run inferEngine.ipynb
- uncomment
#!{sys.executable} -m pip install pycuda
to install pycuda in the correct path
- uncomment