What's this?
A repo with some experimentation with actix, tokio, postgres, diesel, juniper, ...
- https://diesel.rs/
- https://github.com/graphql-rust/juniper
- https://dev.to/open-graphql/building-powerful-graphql-servers-with-rust-3gla
- https://medium.com/@ilegra/building-a-microservice-with-rust-ef9641cf2331
- https://medium.com/tenable-techblog/building-a-microservice-with-rust-23a4de6e5e14
Status: all very basic.
cargo build
In a separate terminal:
just run-postgres
Create database:
just db-create
just run-service
In a separate terminal:
just db-news-all
just db-news-add-some
just db-news <id>
just db-news-all
just db-news-delete <id>
just db-news-delete-all
The initial commit in this repo was with an exact copy of rust-playground/rust-microservice (thanks Diego for the cool resources).