
A pipeline for processing data in a comparative genomics project.

Primary LanguagePython


Megan Barkdull

Changes from Ben Rubin’s Comparative Genomics Pipeline

This set of scripts is a work-in-progress, slightly modified version of Ben Rubin’s Comparative Genomics Pipeline. I have:

  • Reformatted all python scripts to be compatible with python3.
  • Changed hard-coded paths so that the scripts should be portable between different environments.
  • Re-written the ReadMe to reflect how I am using this workflow.

Using This Workflow:

Note that this workflow must be run from the beginning; even if you only want to convert Orthofinder outputs to RERconverge inputs, all steps depend on the output of steps before them.

Everything here was tested under Python 3.7.4, which can be found here.

Getting Started:

Clone this repository into your working directory. For example, from the command line:

git clone https://github.com/mbarkdull/ComparativeGenomics.git

Make sure you have the required inputs. To begin using this workflow, you will need:

  • A file that identifies orthogroups.
    • The default is to read the output format of Orthofinder.
    • When identifying orthogroups, it is necessary that all gene names be prefaced by a four-character taxon designation code.
    • See the Example Orthogroups file for an example.
  • The coding sequences for each gene listed in the orthogroups file.
    • The coding sequence files are specified in a two-column parameters file; the first column gives the four-character taxon designation code, and the second column gives the path to the coding sequence fasta file for that taxon.
    • See the Example Coding Sequence Parameters file for an example.

Note that the gene names in the orthogroup file must exactly match the gene names in the coding sequence fasta files.

Potential problems:

This workflow relies on several tools which you may need to install, and which then may need to be added to your path variable, including:

1. Gathering and Initially Filtering Orthogroups

What does this step do?

This first step will create .fasta files for each orthogroup that meet the filtering requirements. Several filtering steps are hard-coded here:

  • Any sequence that is less than half of the median length of all the sequences in an orthogroup is removed from that orthogroup.
  • Any species with more than three sequences in an orthogroup is removed from that orthogroup.
  • Orthogroups where the total number of sequences is more than 1.5 times the number of species in the orthogroup are completely removed.

You also specify the minimum number of taxa that must be represented in an orthogroup in order for that orthogroup to be retained.

How do I do it?

To gather the orthogroups, use the command (may need to be prefaced by python):

selection_pipeline.py -a write_orthos -b [output directory] -o [output prefix] -r [orthogroup file] -t [min. taxa to include locus] -d [params file]

   -a is the action to perform; in this case, we are doing write_orthos
   -b is the output directory, which will be created in this step; all of your outputs, for every step of this workflow, should be written to this same output directory.
   -o is the prefix that will be used for labelling all output in your project. Make this something logical and informative!
   -r is the path to the orthogroup file, as described under Required Inputs.
   -t is the minimum number of taxa that must be represented in an orthogroup in order for that orthogroup to be retained through filtering. Choose a logical proportion of your total number of taxa here.
   -d is the path to the parameters file that gives the location of the coding sequence file for each of your taxa, as described under Required Inputs.

What are the outputs?

This command creates:

  • A directory ./[output directory]/[output_prefix]_orthos/, which contains fasta files of the coding sequence for every orthogroup.
  • A directory ./[output directory]/[output_prefix]_orthos_prots/, which contains fasta files of the translated amino acid sequence for every orthogroup.
  • An index file, [output_prefix]_ortho.index, which lists the number of taxa and number of sequences present for each orthogroup.
    • This is a critical file that acts as a reference for future steps which process and choose orthogroups.

2. Aligning Orthogroups

What does this step do?

Now we must align the written orthogroups, so that homologous nucleotides are at the same position in every sequence. This step uses FSA with the --nucprot option to align the coding sequences.

How do I do it?

To align the written orthogroups, use the command (may need to preface with python):

selection_pipeline.py -a align_coding -p [number of threads to use] -b [output directory] -o [output prefix] -r [orthogroup file] -t [min. taxa to include locus] -d [params file]

   -a is the action to perform; in this case, we are doing align_coding
   -p is the number of threads you want to use to run the alignment. This step can take a while, so using multiple threads is a good idea.
   -b is the output directory, which was created in the previous step; all of your outputs, for every step of this workflow, should be written to this same output directory.
   -o is the prefix that you are using to label all output in your project.
   -r is the path to the orthogroup file, as described under Required Inputs.
   -t is the minimum number of taxa that must be represented in an orthogroup in order for that orthogroup to be retained through filtering. Choose a logical proportion of your total number of taxa here.
   -d is the path to the parameters file that gives the location of the coding sequence file for each of your taxa, as described under Required Inputs.

What are the outputs?

This command creates:

  • A directory, ./[output directory]/[output_prefix]_fsa_coding/, that contains unaligned (*.fa) and aligned (*.afa) fasta files for each orthogroup.
  • a file, [output_prefix].afa/, containing an aligned, concatenated matrix of all proteins from all orthogroups with a single sequence per species.
    • The protein sequences are from the trimAl alignments, and so are fairly conservatively filtered.
    • This matrix can be used to infer a phylogeny, and is formatted to work with RAxML.

3. Filtering the Alignments

What does this step do?

Next, we will filter the alignments, to remove low confidence positions and low information or low confidence sequences. By default, Gblocks and trimAl are run on each orthogroup; however, both of these are fairly stringent methods that may remove potentially valuable informative sequence. Therefore, this step implements several other post-alignment filters, which can be adjusted to suit your data:

  1. Columns in the alignment with fewer than a specified number of non-gap characters are removed.
  2. Columns in the alignment with less than a specified proportion of of known nucleotides (anything that is not “-” or “N”) are removed.
  3. Columns in the alignment that contain sequences from fewer than a specified number of taxa can be removed.
  4. Then the amino acid alignments are run through the Jarvis et al. (Science 346: 1320-1331) Avian Phylogenomics Project scripts for filtering amino acid alignments, which mask over poorly aligning regions of individual sequences (rather than omitting entire alignment columns).
    • The scripts spotProblematicSeqsModules.py and spotProblematicSeqsModules-W12S4.py were downloaded from ftp://parrot.genomics.cn/gigadb/pub/10.5524/101001_102000/101041/Scripts.tar.gz on 1/31/2019.
    • These scripts were incorporated into the selection_pipeline.py pipeline through the jarvis_filtering() function.
  5. The outputted, masked sequences are passed through the first three filters again.
  6. Sequences that now contain fewer than a specified proportion of their original, known nucleotides are removed entirely.
  7. Sequences that contain more than a specified proportion of unknown sequence are removed entirely.
  8. Sequences with fewer than a specified total number of known nucleotides are removed entirely.

How do I do it?

To filter the aligned orthogroups, use the command (may need to preface with python):

selection_pipeline.py -a alignment_filter -b [output directory] -o [output prefix] -r [orthogroup file] -p [number of threads to use] -t [min. taxa to include locus] -d [parameters file] --nogap_min_count [filtering step 1] --nogap_min_prop [filtering step 2] --nogap_min_species [filtering step 3] --min_seq_prop_kept [filtering step 6] --max_seq_prop_gap [filtering step 7] --min_cds_len [filtering step 8]

   -a is the action to perform; in this case, we are doing alignment_filter
   -p is the number of threads you want to use to run the filtering. The Jarvis filter can take a while, so you should use multiple threads here.
   -b is the output directory, which was created in the first step; all of your outputs, for every step of this workflow, should be written to this same output directory.
   -o is the prefix that you are using to label all output in your project.
   -r is the path to the orthogroup file, as described under Required Inputs.
   -t is the minimum number of taxa that must be represented in an orthogroup in order for that orthogroup to be retained through filtering. Choose a logical proportion of your total number of taxa here.
   -d is the path to the parameters file that gives the location of the coding sequence file for each of your taxa, as described under Required Inputs.
   --nogap_min_count is the minimum number of non-gap characters that must be present in a column, and is used in filtering step 1.
   --nogap_min_prop is the required proportion of known nucleotides in a column to retain that column, and is used in filtering step 2.
   nongap_min_species is the required number of species with a non-gap character in a column, and is used in filtering step 3.
   --min_seq_prop_kept is the proportion of original known nucleotides that must be retained in a sequence, and is used in filtering step 6.
   --max_seq_prop_gap is the maximum allowed proportion of unknown sequence in each sequence, and is used in filtering step 7.
   --min_cds_len is the minimum known sequence length required after filtering, and is used in filtering step 8.

What are the outputs?

This command creates:

  • A directory, ./[output directory]/[output_prefix]_fsa_coding_columnfilt/, that contains the aligned fasta files produced by the first three filtering steps.
  • A directory, ./[output directory]/[output_prefix]_coding_jarvis/, that contains the masked output from filtering step 4.
  • A directory, ./[output directory]/[output_prefix]_coding_jarvis_columnfilt/, containing the masked, column-filtered output from step 5.
  • A directory, ./[output directory]/[output_prefix]_coding_jarvis_columnfilt_seqfilt/, containing the outputs from filtering steps 6-8.

4. Compiling Data for RERconverge

What does this step do?

RERconverge is a tool that estimates correlations between rates of molecular evolution and the evolution of a trait. RERconverge requires as input a phylogeny for each gene of interest, with branch lengths inferred from degree of protein sequence divergence.

This step of the workflow creates those phylogenies, using AAML to infer branch lengths for the orthogroups identified by Orthofinder.

How do I do it?

To filter the aligned orthogroups, use the command (may need to preface with python):

selection_pipeline.py -a rer_converge -p [number of threads] -b [output directory] -o [output prefix] -t [min. taxa to include locus] --outputfile [output file name] --taxa_inclusion [taxon requirement file] -e [newick species tree file]

   -a is the action to perform; in this case, we are doing rer_converge
   -p is the number of threads you want to use.
   -b is the output directory, which was created in the first step; all of your outputs, for every step of this workflow, should be written to this same output directory.
   -o is the prefix that you are using to label all output in your project.
   -t is the minimum number of taxa that must be represented in an orthogroup in order for that orthogroup to be used in this step. Choose a logical proportion of your total number of taxa here.
   --outputfile is the name you want your output file to have.
   --taxa_inclusion is the path to a tab-delimited file that specifies the patterns of included taxa you require be present in the orthogroups passed to RERconverge. See Ben Rubin’s ReadMe for details.
   -e is the path to a Newick format species tree; this is one of the outputs of Orthofinder, so you can go ahead and use that.

What are the outputs?

This command creates:

  • A directory, ./[output directory]/aaml_compiled/, which contains your output file, [output file name].
    • This file has locus names in the first column and a species tree with branch lengths representing protein divergence at that locus in the second column.

The output file can be passed directly to RERconverge.