Helm Cheat Sheet


Table of Contents

Play with Helm

Install Apps

# list all helm charts installed and their releases
helm list

# create a new helm chart named app1
helm create app1

# install a local helm chart, where 'app1' is the name of the chart and 'app1' is the folder where the chart exists
helm install app1 app1

# install an app named 'mongodb' using the chart 'bitnami/mongodb' with values passed in using file values1.yml
helm install mongodb --values values1.yml bitnami/mongodb

# dry-run for our app named 'mongodb' passing in the values from values2.yml
# '-f' is the same as '--values'
helm template -f values2.yml mongodb

# dry run for the name of the chart 'app1' and the name of the folder where our chart exits (also called 'app1') 
# uses the default values.yaml file (created with the chart)
helm template app1 app1

# lint the manifests for the app named 'mongodb', passing in values2.yml
helm lint -f values2.yml mongodb

# upgrade the chart after changing the values.yaml
helm upgrade app1 app1 -f ./app1/values.yaml

# upgrade by setting the values manually instead of using the values file
helm upgrade app1 app1 --set deployment.tag=1.24.4

Create Charts

# create a new chart template named dev-app (contains `chart.yml`, `values.yml`, charts and templates directory)
helm create dev-app

Manage Repositories

# add a chart named 'bitnami' at the public address https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami

# list repos
helm repo list

# search repos for 'apache'
helm search repo apache

# search and list versions
helm search repo mysql --versions

# remove repo
helm repo remove bitnami