
Function hooking in Swift

Primary LanguageSwift

SWRoute is a tiny Swift wrapper over rd_route(). It allows you to route (hook) quite any function/method with another function/method or even a closure.

If you're curious how it works, check our my blog post „Function hooking in Swift“.

Exported interface

class SwiftRoute {
    class func replace<MethodT>(function targetMethod : MethodT, with replacement : MethodT) -> Int
Argument Type (in/out) Description
function in (required) a function/method to override
with in (required) any other function/method or closure to overrride a function with
Return value

KERN_SUCCESS (== 0) upon success, > 0 otherwise.

Example usage

(see SWRouteTests/SWRouteTests.swift for more)

class DemoClass {
    func demoMethod(arg: Int) -> Int {
        return (42 + arg);

var err = SwiftRoute.replace(function: DemoClass().demoMethod, with: {
    (arg : Int) -> Int in
        return (90 + arg)
XCTAssert(err == Int(KERN_SUCCESS), "", file: __FILE__, line: __LINE__)
XCTAssert(DemoClass().demoMethod(arg) == (90 + arg), "", file: __FILE__, line: __LINE__)

If you found any bug(s) or something, please open an issue or a pull request — I'd appreciate your help! (^,,^)

Dmitry Rodionov, 2014