
Terms of the solution Our proposed solution offers:

  • Single leader election out of multiple nodes
  • Leader actively reaffirms its leadership periodically
  • Timeout based re-election: decision to re-elect new leader based on the fact current leader has not reaffirmed its leadership over X seconds
  • A way to forcibly assume leadership for a specific node
  • A way to forcibly call for re-elections by demoting existing leader
  • A node/service can easily tell whether it's the leader or not
  • Anyone can tell who the leader is

Solution The solution is composed of a single table and a set of queries which implement the above offers. We assume a service can uniquely identify itself; this is easy to achieve:

Table The following table will have a single row; the

service_id in that row is the active leader.

CREATE TABLE service_election ( 
  anchor tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL, 
  service_id varchar(128) NOT NULL, 
  last_seen_active timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 
  PRIMARY KEY (anchor)