The Mozilla HTTP Observatory is a set of tools to analyze your website and inform you if you are utilizing the many available methods to secure it.
It is split into three projects:
- http-observatory - scanner/grader
- observatory-cli - command line interface
- http-observatory-website - web interface
Sites can be scanned using:
- - the online interface
- observatory-cli - the official node.js command line interface
- java-http-observatory-api - a third party java library and command line interface
- Python 3.7
- Git
- pip3
These instructions assume that you have a working Python3.7 development environment with pip3
installed and capable of building requirements, which may require installing an additional python OS package (-dev
, -devel
If this is not appropriate for your environment, you may install the appropriate requirements using your OS package manager (or other means) and skip the pip3 -r requirements
# Install the HTTP Observatory
$ git clone
$ cd http-observatory
$ pip3 install --upgrade .
$ pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
>>> from httpobs.scanner.local import scan
>>> scan('') # a scan with default options
>>> scan('', # all the custom options
http_port=8080, # http server runs on port 8080
https_port=8443, # https server runs on port 8443
path='/foo/bar', # don't scan /, instead scan /foo/bar
cookies={'foo': 'bar'}, # set the "foo" cookie to "bar"
headers={'X-Foo': 'bar'}, # send an X-Foo: bar HTTP header
verify=False) # treat self-signed certs as valid for tests like HSTS/HPKP
$ httpobs-local-scan --http-port 8080 --https-port 8443 --path '/foo/bar' \
--cookies '{"foo": "bar"}' --headers '{"X-Foo": "bar"}' --no-verify
- Install Docker Toolbox and VirtualBox
# Install the HTTP Observatory client and requests library
$ git clone
$ cd http-observatory
$ pip3 install .
$ pip3 install --upgrade requests
# Create docker machine
$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox --virtualbox-disk-size "40000" http-observatory
# Save the URL to the API in your .profile, .bash_profile, or whatever
$ echo export HTTPOBS_API_URL=http://$(docker-machine ip http-observatory):57001/api/v1 >> ~/.profile
$ . ~/.profile
# Start up the docker instance and install all the pieces
$ eval $(docker-machine env http-observatory)
$ docker-compose up -d
# Install git, postgresql, and redis
# sudo -s
# apt-get install -y git libpq-dev postgresql redis-server
# Clone the repo
# cd /opt
# git clone
# cd http-observatory
# Install the observatory and scanner
# pip install .
# pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Install the database
# su - postgres
$ createdb http_observatory
$ psql http_observatory < httpobs/database/schema.sql
$ psql http_observatory
http_observatory=# \password httpobsapi
http_observatory=# \password httpobsscanner
# vi /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/postgresql.conf (set max_connections = 512, shared_buffers = 256MB)
# service postgresql restart
# Create the httpobs user, and log/pid directories
# useradd -m httpobs
# install -m 750 -o httpobs -g httpobs -d /var/run/httpobs /var/log/httpobs
# Update the environmental variables
# su - httpobs
$ echo export HTTPOBS_API_URL="http://localhost:57001/api/v1" >> ~/.profile
# Start the scanner
$ cd /opt/http-observatory
# Start the API (in another terminal)
uwsgi --http :57001 --wsgi-file httpobs/website/ --processes 8 --callable app --master
- April King
- Mozilla Public License Version 2.0