
OLD repository: Please see http://github.com/twitter4r/twitter4r-core for latest official repository for project.Twitter4R: The most Ruby-like bindings for the Twitter.com REST API by a long way. (Anyone want to take over? I don't have time for Ruby OSS projects any more)

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

= Twitter4R

* Project Website - http://twitter4r.rubyforge.org
* Mailing List - http://groups.google.com/group/twitter4r-users

== Developers
* {Susan Potter}[http://SusanPotter.NET] <me at susanpotter dot net>

== Contributors
* Kaiichi Matsunaga <ma2 at lifemedia dot co dot jp> - proxy code suggestion
* Sergio Santos <> - message paging code suggestion
* Adam Stiles <adam at stilesoft dot com> - URI.encode => CGI.escape fix
* Carl Crawley <cwcrawley at gmail dot com> - Friendship get => post fix
* Christian Johansen <christian at cjohansen dot no> - in_reply_to attributes in Twitter::Status
* Harry Love <harrylove at gmail dot com> - added attributes to Twitter::Status
* Filipe Giusti <filipegiusti at gmail dot com> - fixed users/show issue that Twitter.com changed from under us

Design Suggestions:
* Bosco So <rubymeetup at boscoso dot com> - making Twitter::Error a RuntimeError instead of an Exception to prevent irb from crashing out.

== Description
Twitter4R provides an object based API to query or update your Twitter account via pure Ruby.  It hides the ugly HTTP/REST code from your code.

== External Dependencies
* Ruby 1.8 (tested with 1.8.6)
* RSpec gem 1.0.0+ (tested with 1.1.3)
* JSON gem 0.4.3+ (tested with versions: 1.1.1 and 1.1.2)
* jcode (for unicode support)

== Usage Examples
Twitter4R starting with version 0.1.1 and above is organized into seven parts:
* {Configuration API}[link:files/examples/configure_rb.html]
* {Friendship API}[link:files/examples/friendship_rb.html]
* {Messaging API}[link:files/examples/messaging_rb.html]
* {Model API}[link:files/examples/model_rb.html]
* {Status API}[link:files/examples/status_rb.html]
* {Timeline API}[link:files/examples/timeline_rb.html]
* {User API}[link:files/examples/user_rb.html]