🛠 A fork of Trevor Harmon's UIImage category methods, updated for the latest versions of iOS.
- alexrinassTower / SaaS.group
- arden深圳市土椒科技有限公司
- asoulesShopify
- augardTwoManShow s.r.o.
- bastianhHamburg, Germany
- becsegalNYC
- benilovjLondon, UK
- billgarrisonStandard Orbit Software, LLC
- binhoCuritiba, Brasil
- brynbellomyTexas, Republic of
- dhmspector@TheZeitgeist (Zeitgeist Information Systems, LLC)
- echoz
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- hSATACTaiwan
- iamdaiyuanBeijing
- ianivVancouver, BC
- ilterisnyc
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- joekimHappyDojo
- jpittmanGroup6
- massimoksi
- mattgrayson@MadeBySpeak
- mattorbDallas / Fort Worth, TX
- mbcharbonneauSmugMug
- michaelmiorRochester Institute of Technology
- mustangostangChiavari, Italy
- newlixleast
- nickdoherty
- regexidentDaily.co
- rromanchuk@coop-inc
- sarperdagSarp Erdag
- syncDbleChoc
- teehemkayexidia
- vilcsak
- williSan Francisco + Copenhagen
- wooliePortland, OR