This is a library to comunicate with yeelight lamps using Elixir.
For discovering the lights it uses a UPnP server that should be started using Discover.start
# start the discovery server
# Get the device list
devices = Yeelight.Discover.devices
# Send a command
Yeelight.Command.toggle |> Yeelight.Command.send_to(device)
set color flow sequence
color_flow = [
duration: 1000,
r: 255,
brightness: 100
duration: 1000,
g: 255,
brightness: 100
duration: 1000,
b: 255,
brightness: 100
duration: 1000,
temperature: 6500,
brightness: 100
duration: 1000,
temperature: 1800,
brightness: 100
Yeelight.Command.start_color_flow(6, 0, color_flow)
|> Yeelight.Command.send_to(hd(devices))
The package can be installed
by adding yeelight
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:yeelight, "~> 0.2.0"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at
- Finish all possible commands