
A collection of awesome ethical hacking and security related content!

MIT LicenseMIT

Awesome Security Awesome

Hi, this is Sarthak and I'm a lead maintainer of this project. For further questions or general security information catch me on Twitter at smash8tap or you can always find me in the chat during Michael's twitch stream.

A collection of awesome ethical hacking security related content!

How to get most out of this Repo?

Each Section has a Learning and a Test Your Knowledge path, and if you follow the learning path in the order that is listed, then you shall be able to solve the challenges in the Test your knowledge path.

General Security

(Work in Progress)

Infrastructure Security

Linux Basics


  • Linux Fundamentals series by Tryhackme
    • Part1 Learn basic linux commands (man, ls, cat, touch, su)
    • Part2 Learn linux file permissions and file operations (&, $, |, ;, >, >>)
    • Part3 Learn useful shell commands (cp, find, grep, sudo, apt)
  • Tryahackme: Bash Scripting A walkthrough room to learn basics of Bash Scripting
  • Bash Scripting and linux Basics Learn basic shell scripting and some more useful linux commands
  • Regular Expressions Learn how to use regular expressoins
  • Linux Find Command Tryhackme room to learn linux find command
  • Nullbyte Linux Basics Learn linux-basics by reading these awesome articles which includes command-line basics to all the way over to linux boot process
  • Kali Linux Revealed A free course by Offensive Security, which will teach you about kali and linux in general

Test your knowledge

Networking Fundamentals


Infrastructure Hacking


(Linux Basics are required)

  • Nmap Basics Learn how to do various types of scans and how to use nmap's scripting engine
  • Directory Enumeration Learn how to perform web fuzzing with Wfuzz
  • Ffuf Learn how to use Fuff for web directory enumeration
  • Metasploit Learn how to launch an exploit and get a shell using metasploit
  • Metasploit Unleashed A free course developed by Offensive Security, which teaches you everything you need to know about metasploit.
  • Password Cracking: Learn basics of password cracking
    • Hydra Learn a versatile logon cracker
    • John and SSH Crack Private SSH keys with Johntheripper
    • Brute force SSH Learn how to brute force ssh credentials with nmap, hydra and metasploit
  • INE Starter Pass Learn basics of Penetration testing with Elearn-Security's Junior Penetration testing path for free.
  • Cheatsheet: Red Team An awesome cheatsheet to look for while on an actual pentest

Test Your Knowledge

  • Tryhackme Rooms
    • Tryhackme: Crackthehash Use your password-cracking skills to crack various hash types like md5, sha-512 etc
    • Tryhackme: Blue A walkthrough based room, where you hack into a vulnerable windows machine using metasploit
    • Tryhackme: Vulnversity Use your recon and privilege escalation skill to hack into this machine
    • Tryhackme: Basic Pentesting Perform a basic Pentest in a lab environment and sharpen your skills learnt so far
    • Tryhackme: Linux Agency Test your Linux understanding and basic privilege escalation techniques
    • Pentestit Perform an actual Pentest and root the machine in this black-box pentesting labs
  • Cyberseclabs Learn linux and windows exploitation in a lab environment

Hardware Security And Binary Exploitation


Communication Security

(Work in Progress)

Wireless Security

(Work in Progress)

Web Security

(Work in Progress)


(Work in Progress)

Operational Security

(Work in Progress)