
Box.com content API Powershell Wrapper Module

Primary LanguagePowerShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Box-PSModule Documentation


This is a basic Box API Powershell Wrapper Module intended to expose the capabilities of the Box Content API in a secure way. The module includes basic Oauth2 handlers including initial authorization mechanism as well as refresh and access token managment. Read the Box Contenet API here.

Getting Started


  1. Download the module (git clone or download the zip)
  2. Place the module in your PSModulePath hint Read more about PSModulePath Here
Write-Host $env:PSModulePath
  1. Register your App in box, read great details on this step here

    1. Make sure the redirect_uri on the application you configure is setup to be; http://localhost or
      1. The expection is that #4 of boxCreateEnv (described in Step 6 below) is to end up on a "page not found" error in your browser
      2. You are going to copy the URL of that "page not found" error and paste it back into powershell command
      3. This URL contains a short lived access code that is used to retrieve your initial OAuth Tokens
      4. For subsequent calls made to interact with the Box API the Access Token is used
        1. The Access Token is only valid for ~1 hour at a time
        2. Whenever the Access Token expires the Refresh Token is used to retrieve a new Access Token
      5. The Refesh Token has a lifetime of it's own
        1. I don't recall what it is as i write this, suffice it to say it will expire or can be revoked...
        2. If / When this happens you need to re-run boxCreateEnv

    If your box org has restricted apps make sure your allow your app!

  2. Import the module

Import-Module Box
  1. Run the boxCreateEnv cmdlet (see cmdlet documentation for more detail)

    It is important to note: The access code generated in this process is only valid for 30 seconds

boxCreateEnv -name <env_name> -client_id <your_clientid> -client_secret <your_client_secret>

1 - Open a browser
2 - Login to Box as the user you want to make API calls as
3 - Paste the following URL into that browser window
4 - Click 'Grant Access to Box'
5 - Paste the resulting URL into the powershell prompt
Visit: https://app.box.com/api/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=<your_clientid>&state=<arbitrary_guid>
Paste the resulting URL here: http://localhost/?state=<arbitrary_guid>&code=<your_access_code>

After the initial setup a registry key will be created in the invoking users reg hive (not HKLM but HKCU:\Software\boxAPIPSModule) as such no elevated privs are required. Sensitive values are encrypted using the DPAPI, if you are especially security conscious create the env and include the -thumbprint directive along with a thumbprint for your favorite personal asymetric keypair.

I've only wrapped user and group endpoints thus far, i'll add more as i need more, if you have a specific need request away.


Search for users based on a username pattern

boxGetUser -username jdoe

This will return an array of box user objects that match a username of jdoe (jdoe, jdoe2 and jdoe3)

type            : user
id              : 900000001
name            : John Doe
login           : jdoe@your.tld
created_at      : 2016-03-17T12:11:05-07:00
modified_at     : 2016-04-04T15:03:37-07:00
language        : en
timezone        : America/Los_Angeles
space_amount    : 1E+15
space_used      : 94223
max_upload_size : 16106127360
status          : active
job_title       : Chief Lacky Officer
phone           : 
address         : 
avatar_url      : https://your.app.box.com/api/avatar/large/900000001

type            : user
id              : 900000002
name            : Jane Doe
login           : jdoe2@your.com
created_at      : 2016-03-09T18:21:46-08:00
modified_at     : 2016-03-16T14:19:53-07:00
language        : en
timezone        : America/Los_Angeles
space_amount    : 1E+15
space_used      : 0
max_upload_size : 16106127360
status          : active
job_title       : VP of Slacken
phone           : 
address         : 
avatar_url      : https://your.app.box.com/api/avatar/large/900000002

type            : user
id              : 900000003
name            : Jade Doe
login           : jdoe2@your.com
created_at      : 2016-01-05T15:37:59-08:00
modified_at     : 2016-04-04T16:02:38-07:00
language        : en
timezone        : America/Los_Angeles
space_amount    : 1E+15
space_used      : 836170585
max_upload_size : 16106127360
status          : active
job_title       : Maven of Mystery
phone           : +1 800 876 5353
address         : 
avatar_url      : https://your.app.box.com/api/avatar/large/900000003

Get a single user based on box user id

boxGetUser -userid 262115333

This will return a singular user object based on the id provided, exception thrown if userid isn't found

type            : user
id              : 900000003
name            : Jade Doe
login           : jdoe2@your.com
created_at      : 2016-01-05T15:37:59-08:00
modified_at     : 2016-04-04T16:02:38-07:00
language        : en
timezone        : America/Los_Angeles
space_amount    : 1E+15
space_used      : 836170585
max_upload_size : 16106127360
status          : active
job_title       : Maven of Mystery
phone           : +1 800 876 5353
address         : 
avatar_url      : https://your.app.box.com/api/avatar/large/900000003

Update a user attribute

boxUpdateUser -userid 900000003 -attribute job_title -value 'Director of indirection'

This will return the modified user object based on the input provided, an exception will be thrown if encountered

type            : user
id              : 900000003
name            : Jade Doe
login           : jdoe2@your.com
created_at      : 2016-01-05T15:37:59-08:00
modified_at     : 2016-04-04T16:02:38-07:00
language        : en
timezone        : America/Los_Angeles
space_amount    : 1E+15
space_used      : 836170585
max_upload_size : 16106127360
status          : active
job_title       : Director of indirection
phone           : +1 800 876 5353
address         : 
avatar_url      : https://your.app.box.com/api/avatar/large/900000003

Get Alias's associated with a user

boxGetAliases -userid 900000003

This will return a collection of email_alias objects for the userid provided

type         : email_alias
id           : 7000001
is_confirmed : True
email        : jade.doe@your.com

type         : email_alias
id           : 7000002
is_confirmed : True
email        : jaded.maden@your.com

Create an alias for a user

boxAddAlias -userid 900000003 -alias 'Director.of.Indirection@your.com'

This will return the email_alias object created based on the inputs of the command

type         : email_alias
id           : 7000003
is_confirmed : True
email        : Director.of.Indirection@your.com

Delete an alias for a given user

boxDeleteAlias -userid 900000003 -aliasid 7000003

an empty response on success, an error thrown if encountered