
Library and tools to handle automotive DLT (diagnostic log- and trace-) files in Rust.

Primary LanguageRust


License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 codecov Build&Test

This Rust crate provides a library and tools to help you to handle automotive DLT (diagnostic log and trace, see GENIVI or AUTOSAR) files.

Note: This is a very early version and it's my first Rust project. There might be lots of bugs or restrictions/partial implementations yet. The interfaces will most likely change frequently!


  • Open DLT files of any size.

  • Lifecycle detection feature including detection (a bit heuristic) of "SUSPEND/RESUME" lifecycles for ECUs with suspend-to-ram implementations.

  • Sorting by timestamp taking the lifecycles into account.

  • Filter...

  • remote server support: serve requests via wss. E.g. used with DLT-Logs Visual Studio Code Extension.

  • builtin plugins e.g. for

    • non-verbose message decoding
    • SOME/IP payload decoding,
    • rewriteing of message timestamp or payload text,
    • file transfer extraction/detection.

Supported file types

You can open

  • DLT version 1 files
  • DLT serial header files
  • CAN "ASC" files with extension .asc
  • Vector "binlog" files with extension .blf
  • Android Logcat files with extension .txt
  • Generic log files with extension .log and format per line like "[2024-03-09 23:01:31.627] [INF] [apid] text..." (INF is the log level).

Take care to not use .txt/.asc/.blf/.log extension for DLT file. Files with those extensions will be parsed as CAN/binlog/Android Logcat files.

Usage examples

command line tool

Show help for convert command:

adlt convert -h

Print ascii representation of a DLT file:

adlt convert -a <dlt_file>

Show all lifecycles (ecu, time range, number of messages and SW verion) of a DLT file:

adlt convert <dlt_file>
have 3 lifecycles:
LC#  1: ECU1 2021/06/24 08:50:58.529663 - 08:53:51 #   26523 <sw version if contained as GET_SW_VERSION response>
LC#  2: ECU1 2021/06/24 08:54:29 RESUME - 08:55:08 #  181337 <sw version>
LC#  3: DLOG 2021/06/24 08:54:44.945600 - 08:54:44 #       1

Output/extract a specific lifecycle into file sorted by timestamps per lifecycle:

adlt convert <dlt_file> # to see the lifecycle ids. here e.g. LC#  1: ... and LC#  2: ...
adlt convert -l 1 2 -o <new_file> --sort <dlt_file> # export LC #1 and #2 sorted into new_file

Output only messages fitting to a filter into a new file:

# filter_file can be in dlt-convert format as a list of APID CTIDs. E.g. echo "API1 CTI1  API2 CTI2 " > filter_file
# or it can be in dlt-viewer dlf format (xml file with <?xml...><dltfilter><filter>... )
adlt convert -f <filter_file> -o <new_file> <dlt_file> # export all messages fitting to filter_file sorted into new_file
# lifecycle filters -l ... or sorting --sort can be applied as well!

Show lifecycles and embedded file transfers:

adlt convert --file_transfer=true --file_transfer_apid SYS --file_transfer_ctid FILE <dlt_file>

Export all core dumps to directory 'dumps' from a set of DLT files:

adlt convert --file_transfer='core*.gz' --file_transfer_path dumps --file_transfer_apid SYS --file_transfer_ctid FILE '**/*.dlt'
LC# 35: ECU1 2020/12/19 10:29:22.158128 - 10:29:39 #   15115
have 6 file transfers:
LC# 12: 'context.1584997735.controller.812.txt', 60kb
LC# 12: 'core.1584997735.controller.812.gz', 115kb , saved as: 'dumps/core.1584997735.controller.812.gz'
LC# 20: 'context.1585074417.controller.802.txt', 60kb
LC# 20: 'core.1585074417.controller.802.gz', 115kb , saved as: 'dumps/core.1585074417.controller.802.gz'
LC# 35: 'screenshot_20741013-092935_KOMBI.png', 7kb
LC# 35: 'screenshot_20741013-092935_HUD.png', 1kb

Known Issues

Work in progress...

How to install binaries

You can use the pre-build binaries from adlt/releases or build your own ones:

How to build

cargo build
cargo test
cargo build --release

determine code coverage from unit tests

See CI generated code coverage results here: codecov

To install grcov support:

cargo install grcov
rustup install nightly
rustup default stable
rustup component add llvm-tools-preview

To generate coverage:

rm -rf ./target *.prof*
export RUSTFLAGS="-Zinstrument-coverage"
export LLVM_PROFILE_FILE="your_name-%p-%m.profraw"
cargo +nightly build
cargo +nightly test
grcov . --binary-path ./target/debug/ -s . -t html --branch --ignore-not-existing -o ./coverage/
cd coverage
open ./index.html

run benchmark tests

Benchmark tests are using criterion and cargo-criterion. To install:

cargo install cargo-criterion

To run:

cargo criterion
cargo bench

The results will be printed on the console and an html report is created at

target/criterion/reports/index.html or target/criterion/report/index.html.

To save a baseline use:

cargo bench --bench dlt_benches -- --save-baseline <name>

To compare against a saved baseline:

cargo bench --bench dlt_benches -- --baseline <saved_baseline_name>

run fuzz tests

To list all available fuzz tests:

cargo +nightly fuzz list

You do need to have cargo-fuzz installed. To install use cargo install cargo-fuzz.

To run a fuzz test:

cargo +nightly fuzz <fuzz test name>
# e.g.
cargo +nightly fuzz dlt_v1_parse_std

The fuzz test never stop except if they find a problem. If you find any please create an issue for it or directly a PR with a fix.

perform a release

cog bump --auto

check commit messages

cog check -l


Any and all test, code or feedback contributions are welcome. Open an issue or create a pull request to make this library work better for everybody.

Donations Donations are welcome! (Contact me for commercial use or different license).

GitHub ♥︎ Sponsors are welcome!


Release Notes


Third-party Content

This library leverages a lot of amazing 3rd party components distributed under MIT or MPL-2.0 or Apache-2.0 license. Thanks a lot to the authors!

See dependencies section in Cargo.toml for details.

Using cocogitto to enforce conventional commit messages. Using codecov to host code-coverage results. Thx!