
In-progress API for a business-oriented CRM. Full Node.JS. It's very early so nothing is really polished for now. Routes are documented though.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is early work on a CRM/business monitoring webapp. For now all it does it simple CRUD on a mongoDB.

Below are the routes that are already implemented. Login is not secure yet, and error handling is messy at best for now.

Quetzal Server API docs

User related routes

Register a new user

  • /register
  • POST
  • username : username
  • password : password
  • Returns :
    • 201 : success
    • 500 : error


  • /login
  • POST
  • username : username
  • password : password
  • Returns :
    • 200 : success
      • String : token to use with all further reqs
    • 401 : wrong credentials

Important ! HEADERS !

Any request to one of the subsequent routes MUST contain this header. Without it, you will be returned 401 Unauthorized to each and every request.

Authorization bearer **token** : the token that was issued at login
Content-Type application/json for all routes that make use of POST/PUT data

Orgs related routes

Create new org

  • /orgs
  • PUT
  • name : name of the org to create
  • Returns
    • 201 : success
      • Newly created org object
    • 400 : lacks name argument
    • 401 : unauthorized token
    • 500 : error

List all orgs user has access to

  • /orgs
  • GET
  • Returns
    • 200 : success
      • Array of orgs objects
    • 204 : user has no orgs
    • 500 : error

Get all info on an org

  • /orgs/:id
  • GET
  • Requires member status
  • Returns
    • 200 : success
      • Org object with populated fields
    • 401 : Unauthorized
    • 404 : no org with this _id
    • 500 : error

Get an org's messages

  • /orgs/:id/messages
  • GET
  • Optional argument : pagination might be a number that paginates responses by 20. If it is not supplied, assumed to be 1.
  • Requires member status
  • Returns
    • 200 : success
      • Paginated array of messages
    • 204 : req doesn't match any message
    • 401 : Unauthorized
    • 404 : no org with this _id
    • 500 : error

Update a given org

  • /orgs/:id
  • POST
  • JSON Object with same keys as what API returns. _id cannot be changed this way
  • Requires admin status
  • Returns
    • 200 : success
      • Updated org object
    • 204 : Missing post data
    • 401 : Unauthorized
    • 404 : no org with this _id
    • 500 : error

Delete a given org

  • /orgs/:id
  • Requires admin status
  • Returns
    • 200 : success
    • 401 : Unauthorized
    • 404 : no org with this _id
    • 500 : error

Receivers related routes

Create new receiver

  • /receivers
  • PUT
  • name : name of receiver to create
  • parentOrg : org under which to create it
  • Returns
    • 200 : success
      • Newly created receiver object
    • 400 : no name or parent org doesn't exist
    • 401 : user lacks admin rights on org, or orgs doesn't exist
    • 500 : error

List all receivers user has access to

  • /receivers
  • GET
  • Returns
    • 200 : success
      • Array of receiver objects
    • 500 : error

Gel all info on a receiver

  • /receivers/:id
  • GET
  • Requires member status
  • Returns
    • 200 : success
      • Receiver object with populated fields
    • 401 : Unauthorized
    • 404 : no receiver with this _id
    • 500 : error

Get a receiver's messages

  • /receivers/:id/messages
  • GET
  • Optional argument : pagination might be a number that paginates responses by 20. If it is not supplied, assumed to be 1.
  • Requires member status
  • Returns
    • 200 : success
      • Paginated array of messages
    • 204 : req doesn't match any message
    • 401 : Unauthorized
    • 404 : no receiver with this _id
    • 500 : error

Update a given receiver

  • /receivers/:id
  • POST
  • JSON Object with same keys as what API returns. _id cannot be changed this way
  • Requires admin status
  • Returns
    • 200 : success
      • Updated receiver object
    • 204 : Missing post data
    • 401 : Unauthorized
    • 404 : no receiver with this _id
    • 500 : error

Delete a given receiver

  • /receivers/:id
  • Requires admin status
  • Returns
    • 200 : success
    • 401 : Unauthorized
    • 404 : no receiver with this _id
    • 500 : error

Messages related routes

Create new Message

  • /receivers/:id
  • Placed under this URL scheme for expressiveness
  • PUT
  • Requires member status
  • JSON Object with fields
    • content : String, text message
    • fields : Optional array of objects for special fields, each containing the following :
      • masterkey : lowercase string, codename of the field used for templating and scripts. If this is not a lowercase string, write will not succeed.
      • name : Human readable name of the field
      • content : String, Array, Object. The semantic content of the field that is to be used for special templating and scripts.
  • Returns
    • 200 : success
      • Newly created message object
    • 204 : no content or malformed JSON
    • 400 : masterkey is not a lowercase string
    • 401 : Unauthorized
    • 500 : error

List all messages a user has access to

  • /messages
  • GET
  • Optional argument : pagination might be a number that paginates responses by 20. If it is not supplied, assumed to be 1.
  • Requires member status
  • Returns
    • 200 : success
      • Paginated array of messages
    • 204 : user can't access any message
    • 401 : Unauthorized
    • 500 : error