WARNING: This image is based off of an outdated operating system that is no longer supported and this image is no longer being regularly built.
docker image for php5-fpm based off of debian:jessie
To pull this image:
docker pull mbentley/php5-fpm
Example usage:
docker run -i -t mbentley/php5-fpm
The following environment variables can be passed to the docker image:
(default: 8) - Sets the 'post_max_size' and 'upload_max_filesize' options in php.ini
(default: 5) - Sets the 'max_children' option in www.conf
(default: socket; options: socket or port) - Changes php5-fpm listen behavior
First start a PHP container:
docker run -itd –restart=always -v /data/shared/run:/var/run -v /data/www:/data/www -v /data/shared/ssmtp:/etc/ssmtp --name php5-fpm mbentley/php5-fpm
I use a volume to /data/shared/run on the host and then I also use a volume to /data/www on the host. /data/shared/run will get the UNIX socket as it is mapped to /var/run. I use /data/www so that php5-fpm has access to the files it needs to process requests.
Now for my nginx container:
docker run -itd -p 80 –restart=always -v /data/shared/run:/var/run -v /data/www:/data/www -v /data/shared/nginx/my-custom-nginx-conf:/etc/nginx/sites-available/default --name my-site mbentley/nginx
I need to present /data/shared/run as a volume so that nginx can read the UNIX socket (see my php.conf in mbentley/nginx which adds all of the necessary bits for PHP by including a single file). I also add in my /data/www directory which shares my site's code for nginx.
Now you should be able to hit nginx and PHP pages will work. I'm using this method for a small number of sites and it's working great.