
This package is designed to find which assets are used by a Rails app. It is published on CPAN as Rails::Assets or rewritten as a ruby gem.

Primary LanguagePerl

Rails Assets Coverage

Build Status

The purpose of this package is to find which assets are used by a Rails app. This project was initially intended as a proof of concept for a future ruby gem, but it became a perfectly working perl package published on CPAN:



If you don't have cpanminus installed and you want to run some demos, please refer to the demos branch.


  $ [VERBOSE=1|OUTPUT=1|] perl -Ilib scripts/rails_assets.pl [RAILS_ROOT|.]


  • RAILS_ROOT arg is the path to rails application you want to analyze.
  • with VERBOSE env var the script will print on STDOUT the result of the parsing activity.
  • with OUTPUT env var the script will generate an assets_status.yml report inside your RAILS_ROOT.



For a proper usage you should install cpanminus and Module::Builder perl module:

  $ sudo apt install cpanminus
  $ sudo cpanm -i Module::Builder
  $ perl Build.PL
  $ ./Build installdeps
  $ ./Build test
  $ ./Build install

Compile a demo:

  $ pp -o demo/rails_assets_ubuntu scripts/rails_assets.pl


  • Download Strawberry Perl
  • Open the perl command line as administrato and go to the directory where you cloned/downloaded this repo
  perl Build.PL
  Build installdeps
  Build test
  Build testcover
  Build install

Compile a demo:

  cpanm PAR::Packer # it takes a while ...
  Build install
  pp --verbose -o demo/rails_assets_win.exe scripts/rails_assets.pl


This repo was born as a gist. I would keep it alive for discussions on this topic.

Any fork, star, issue or pull requests are welcome!