
Caller-functionality for your autodarts.io-setup. You can also extend the functionality with custom plugins.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Caller-functionality for your autodarts.io-setup. You can also extend the functionality with custom plugins.


The following guide is designed for the raspberry-pi but this is no hard requirement.

Install docker and autodarts-caller

  1. Log-in to your raspberry-pi via ssh
  2. Go to your home-directory:
    • cd ~
  3. Install docker (we use docker to easily start a webserver on which we run the caller-app):
    • curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | sh
  4. Check if installation was successful by running a hello-world image:
    • sudo docker run --rm arm32v7/hello-world
    • If you see no errors everything should be fine
  5. Download and unzip autodarts-caller:
    1. wget https://github.com/mbernwieser/autodarts-caller/releases/download/1.1.0/autodarts-caller.zip
    2. unzip -o autodarts-caller.zip -d .
  6. Go to the autodarts-caller-directory you just created:
    • cd autodarts-caller/
  7. Make installation-script executable:
    • chmod +x install_autodarts_caller.sh
  8. Run autodarts-caller install-script:
    • ./install_autodarts_caller.sh

Add caller sounds

  1. Sound files have to be added to autodarts-caller/sounds/
  2. Either you create sounds by yourself or you use existing soundpacks
  3. Requirement: all sound files must be in .mp3 format
    • if the sounds are in a different format they have to be converted to .mp3 first
  4. Possible sounds:
    • 1.mp3 - 180.mp3
    • 0.mp3 ("no score")
    • gameon.mp3 ("gameon" on succesful connect & additional sound buttons)

Transfer sounds to the raspberry-pi

An easy way to add the sounds is to use a programm like FileZilla:

  1. Download and install FileZilla on the system from where you connect to the raspberry-pi
  2. Open FileZilla and connect to your raspberry-pi with the following parameters:
    1. Server: <ip-address-of-your-raspberry-pi>
    2. Username: <your-raspberry-pi-username> (default = "pi")
    3. Password: <your-raspberry-pi-password>
    4. Port: 22
  3. Now you should be able to just drag and drop the sounds from your system to the raspberry-pi
    • File structure should look like:
    • autodarts-caller/sounds/0.mp3
    • autodarts-caller/sounds/1.mp3
    • autodarts-caller/sounds/2.mp3
    • ...

Add video files

  1. Video files can be added to autodarts-caller/videos/
  2. All video files must be in .mp4 format
  3. The default video-caller plugin will look for the following video-files:
  • 0.mp4 - 180.mp4


  1. You can start/stop the autodarts-caller with:
    • sudo docker start autodarts-caller
    • sudo docker stop autodarts-caller
  2. Start autodarts (if not already running):
    • autodarts


  1. Open a browser on a device from where you want to play the sounds on
  2. Go to: <ip-of-your-raspberry-pi>:8080
    • you can copy the ip-address from the board-manager url
    • e.g.
  3. Now you should see the autodarts-caller web-ui (see screenshot below)
  4. In the Autodarts-IP:-field you should enter the IP where autodarts is running (propably the same <ip-of-your-raspberry-pi>)
    • Enter the IP without http or /
    • you can copy the ip-address from the board-manager url
    • e.g.
  5. Click on Connect
  6. Throw three darts and if everything works you should hear your score
Screenshot from autodarts-caller Web-UI


Important: This tool has no access to the information of your current match. It can only call the score of your thrown three darts. Neither does it now if you've just won a leg, nor does it call the remaining points.

Besides that: the autodarts-api is not stable yet and can change anytime. This means that this tool may stop working after a new release of autodarts.


Attention! This update-process will override any changes you made to autodarts-caller files which are provided by default. This especially goes for sound-files (sound-effects) and default-plugins.

Therefore: always create new files for your customizations! Those will not be overridden during this update process. For example your own caller-files (1.mp3, 2.mp3, etc.) will not be touched.

To update autodarts-caller run those commands:

  1. Log-in to your raspberry-pi via ssh
  2. Go to your home-directory:
    • cd ~
  3. Optional / Recommended if you've added custom plugins/logic: Create a backup of the old files
    • cp -r autodarts-caller/ autodarts-caller-backup-DATE_OF_BACKUP/
  4. Remove old zip-file
    • rm autodarts-caller.zip
  5. Download new version (in this example: 1.1.0, for all available versions see: Releases)
    • wget https://github.com/mbernwieser/autodarts-caller/releases/download/1.1.0/autodarts-caller.zip
  6. Unzip new version
    • This will replace all files which are provided by default by autodarts-caller!
    • Files which were created by you will be kept! So move custom plugin-logic to new files
    • unzip -o autodarts-caller.zip -d .
  7. If you use custom plugins:
    • Unfortunately for now you have to re-add the import of them manually in the index.html file
  8. Restart docker container
    • sudo docker restart autodarts-caller
  9. Open autodarts-caller in the browser and reload the page via Shift + F5 (Chrome) or CTRL + F5 (Firefox) to force a reload of all files

Extending with plugins

You can write your own plugins in JavaScript to extend the functionality of this tool. Maybe you want to play your favorite song if you score yet another S1 | S1 | S1 or activate some LEDs if you finally hit the 180.

To do that you just have to:

  1. Copy the plugin-template plugins/template.js to plugins/your-custom-plugin.js
  2. Import your plugin in index.html
  3. Add your custom logic in plugins/your-custom-plugin.js
  4. ... if you've created a cool plugin, don't forget to share it with the Autodarts-Community

You can also orientate on the pre-installed Sound Effects-plugin which plays sounds in 8-bit style after each throw.

Adding logic to your plugins

All information about the throw can be found in the throw-event, just take a look at the information via console.log(event). From here you can do whatever you want:

  • call other APIs (e.g. some LED system) with a simple fetch-call: JS-Docs
  • you can call the built-in sound-service
    • event.soundService.playAudio(filename, duration = null);
  • you can call the built-in notification-service


This simple web-app is built with Ember.js. The main-logic (= handling of websocket messages) is done in app/services/websocket.js. For development details see: CONTRIBUTING.md.

Customizing (quick quide)

  • See CONTRIBUTING.md for development requirements
  • Clone project
  • Update files in app/
  • Build project: ember build --environment=production
  • Zip built files: zip -r autodarts-caller.zip autodarts-caller
  • Created zip-file autodarts-caller.zip can be transfered to raspberry-pi
  • Then follow installation guide starting from: "Download and unzip..." (Replace zip-file with your built folder)