As a person who cares about good causes, I want to be able to search for charitable organizations that are recommended by others, as well as post my own, so that I can raise awareness and increase donations for the causes I care most about.
This is a MERN stack web application that allows users to post the charitable organizations that they care about most and want to raise awareness for. Our goal was to make this a much more personal experience for users, versus just your typical search engine. Users are also able to search through other’s recommendations, comment on the organizations posted, and are offered a quick and simple way to donate to each of them.
**Comment functionality is set up, but not fully functional at this time. This was included in our "future development ideas".
- MongoDB & Mongoose ODM (database)
- GraphQL, Apollo Client, Node.js & Express.js server (back-end)
- React & Material-UI Component Library (front-end)
- JSON Web Tokens (authentication)
- Stripe API (for donations)
- Heroku (to deploy)
- Front-end functionality: Nathan Greiling & Jeff Whitehead
- Back-end functionality & page styling: Guvanchmyrat Paytakov & Cortnie Muscari
- Stripe & JWT functionality: Matthew Berti