Ices Manual __________ A. Introduction B. What's it for? C. What can it do? 1. Cue file 2. Signal Handling 3. Playlist Handling 4. Reencoding 5. Vorbis, FLAC and MP4 transcoding 6. Crossfading D. Configuring 1. Command line options 2. Configuration file (ices.conf) E. Licensing F. Developers resources _______ A. Introduction For a very long time, the only good streaming tool for command line systems was shout. Shout had a lot of issues, it was a quick and dirty hack, it was buggy, it was sending data too fast or too slow, and it was just something no one wanted to fix. So we rewrote it from scratch, and the next generation streamer, 'ices', is here. 'ices' is short for 'icesource', a source for the icecast server. 'ices' should be pronounced 'isis' like the egyptian godess of fertility. For more information about icecast, I suggest you check out the icecast webpage at B. What's it for? ices, armed with a list of mp3 files, sends a continuous stream of mp3 data to an icecast server. The server is then responsible for accepting client connections and feeding the mp3 stream to them. But the stream originates in the streamer, 'ices'. The terms 'encoder', 'streamer' and 'source' are used equivalently throughout this document, and throughout all the documentation in the streaming system. C. What can it do? 1. Cue file The cue file holds information on the file that ices is currently feeding to the server. This is neat for you people out there who like running scripts. I myself, use the cue file in a tcl script, running from a eggdrop bot, on irc. That way I can ask the bot what song is currently playing, how long it is, how much of it has been played, and get information about the next songs on the playlist. The file currently has the following lines, (in this order). o filename o size (in bytes) o bitrate (in kbits/s) o minutes:seconds (total song length) o percent played (i.e 25, no %-sign) o playlist line index (i.e 3, if we're playing the 4:th line in the internal playlist. Logical, huh? ) Also, for you scripting people, when ices starts, it writes its process id to the file o ID3 Artist o ID3 Title 2. Signal handling o Sending SIGINT to ices will make it exit. o Sending SIGHUP to ices will make it close and reopen the logfile. 3. Reencoding If compiled with support for reencoding using libmp3lame, and you supply the -R command line option or set the Execution/Reencode to 1 in the XML config file, then ices will start reencoding your files on the fly to the bitrate you specified with the -b option or the Stream/Bitrate tag. The sample rate, number of channels, etc, will be chosen on the fly by lame itself, unless you specify something using the -H and -N options. If you want to change it, I suggest you add support for this to ices and mail me a patch. I think you should be fine with whatever lame chooses though. Also, please make sure that your files are ok before you start reencoding them with ices. This is because the mpglib part of lame (what does the decoding) is rather unstable and will call exit(0) when errors are encountered. This will make ices exit, which is kinda bad :) You'll need at least lame 3.88beta, and current CVS is a bit better. 4. Playlist handling About 96% of all emails I got about shout was people asking me to add small changes to shout playlist handling to suit their specific needs. This is course is not how I want to spend my life :) Shout had a feature to call an external program with a system() call, before each song, and that could possibly modify the playlist. This was rather ugly, but did the trick. In ices, we take this a step further an include scripting support inside the program. You can write your own playlist handler in perl or python, whatever you prefer. Your script module has to define 5 functions; test, init, shutdown, get_next, and get_current_lineno. I suggest you take a look in the distributed module files and just expand on that. 5. Vorbis, FLAC and MP4 transcoding If compiled with the appropriate libraries, ices can transcode Ogg Vorbis, FLAC and MP4 (AAC) audio files to MP3 on the fly. Keep your sources in whatever format you like best. 6. Crossfading If compiled with reencoding support, ices can also crossfade between tracks, giving you that pro radio station sound. D. Configuring ices can do everything shout could do, and more. It can be configured through hard coded defaults, a configfile, and command line options. The configfile is in XML, but don't get scared and run off. Just edit the distributed configfile and change the values you need. The command line options should be familiar to old shout users, although some options have been renamed. 1. Command line options Options: o -B (Background (daemon mode)) o -b <stream bitrate> o -C <crossfade seconds> o -c <configfile> o -D <base directory> o -d <stream description> o -f <dumpfile on server> o -F <playlist> o -g <stream genre> o -h <host> o -i (use icy headers) o -M <interpreter module> o -m <mountpoint> o -n <stream name> o -p <port> o -P <password> o -r (randomize playlist) o -s (private stream) o -S <perl|python|builtin> o -u <stream url> o -N <Reencoded number of channels> o -H <Reencoded sample rate> 2. Configuration file (icec.conf) Here's a sample configuration file. It's the same as the ices.conf.dist that is included in the ices distribution. <?xml version="1.0"?> <ices:Configuration xmlns:ices=" projects/ices"> <Playlist> <File>apan.txt</File> <Randomize>1</Randomize> <Type>builtin</Type> <Module>ices</Module> <Crossfade>0</Crossfade> </Playlist> <Server> <Hostname>localhost</Hostname> <Port>8000</Port> <Password>letmein</Password> <Protocol>http</Protocol> </Server> <Execution> <Background>0</Background> <Verbose>1</Verbose> <BaseDirectory>/tmp</BaseDirectory> <Reencode>0</Reencode> <Samplerate>-1</Samplerate> <Channels>-1</Channels> </Execution> <Stream> <Name>Cool ices default name from XML</ice s:Name> <Genre>Cool ices genre from XML</Genr e> <Description>Cool ices description from XM L</Description> <URL>Cool ices URL from XML</URL> <Bitrate>128</Bitrate> <Public>1</Public> </Stream> </ices:Configuration> 3. Configurations options This describes all the different options in ices. o Server Hostname Command line option: -h <host> Config file tag: Server/Hostname This is the name, or ip, of the host ices should connect to. It has to run a streaming server, capable of the xaudiocast or icy protocol. This value defaults to localhost. o Server Port Command line option: -p <port> Config file tag: Server/Port This is the port the server is listening on, by default 8000. o Server Password Command line option: -P <password> Config file tag: Server/Password The encoder password for the server. If this is not correct, then ices cannot log in on the server, and ices will exit. o Server Protocol Command line option: -i for icy-headers Config file tag: Server/Protocol Either xaudiocast or icy. Use xaudiocast if you can, and icy if you must. o Execution Background Command line option: -B Config file tag: Execution/Background This will launch ices in the background, as a daemon. o Execution Verbose Command line option: -v Config file tag: Execution/Verbose Normally ices outputs what stream is playing and a small amount of extra information. With verbose turned on, you get a whole lot of debugging information and lots of track info. o Execution Base Directory Command line option: -D <directory> Config file tag: Execution/BaseDirectory ices uses this directory for cue files, log files and temporary playlist files. You need write permissions in this directory. The default is /tmp o Execution Reencode Command line option: -R (turns reencoding on) Config file tag: Execution/Reencode When you turn this option on, ices (if compiled with libmp3lame support) will reencode your mp3 files on the fly to whatever bitrate you specify with the Stream Bitrate option. PLEASE note that if your files are corrupt, this might crash ices because the library used to decode (mpglib) is not very stable. I suggest you check your files with mp3check or some other mp3 verification program before you add them to your playlist. Just popping them into your favourite player and checking the sound is definately not enough. For legal reasons, this option is not available on the binary distributions. o Execution Samplerate Command line option: -H <samplerate> Config file tag: Execution/Samplerate Use this to force liblame reencoding to output mp3 data with this samplerate. o Execution Channels Command line option: -N <number of channels> Config file tag: Execution/Channels Use this to force liblame reencoding to output mp3 data with this many channels. o Stream Mountpoint Command line option: -m <mount point> Config file tag: Stream/Mountpoint This is the name of the mountpoint for this stream on the icecast server. Clients can access this stream at http://host:port/<mount point>. NOTE: This option does nothing if you are running in shoutcast compatibility mode. o Stream Name Command line option: -n <stream name> Config file tag: Stream/Name This is the name of the stream, not to be confused with the name of the song playing. o Stream Genre Command line option: -g <stream genre> Config file tag: Stream/Genre This is the genre of your stream, e.g Jazz or Static. o Stream Description Command line option: -d <stream description> Config file tag: Stream/Description This option is a description of your stream. o Stream URL Command line option: -u <URL> Config file tag: Stream/URL This should be a URL describing your stream. o Stream Bitrate Command line option: -b <bitrate> Config file tag: Stream/Bitrate If you turn on reencoding then this will be the bitrate of the stream, otherwize the actual bitrate of the stream is the bitrate your files are encoded at, and this value is for displaying purposes only. Read the last 3 lines again, please. o Stream Public Command line option: -s (makes stream private) Config file tag: Stream/Public This regulates whether the icecast server will display your stream on a directory server. Default is 1 (yes). o Playlist File Command line option: -F <file> Config file tag: Playlist/File This is the file where ices originally looks for files to play. When using playlist modules in perl or python, this argument is passed to the playlist handler. o Playlist Randomize Command line option: -r (randomizes file) Config file tag: Playlist/Randomize This option is passed to the playlist handler, and tells it to randomize the playlist. o Playlist Type Command line option: -S <perl|python|builtin> Config file tag: Playlist/Type By default, ices using a builtin playlist handler. It handles randomization and not much more. Most people want sophisticated playlist handlers that interface databases and keeps track of god knows what. ices handles embedded python and embedded perl, so now you can write your own modules, without modifying ices, that does just about anything. Use this option to change the playlist handler type from builtin (default), to python or perl. o Playlist Module Command line option: -M <module> Config file tag: Playlist/Module Use this option to execute a different python or perl module than the default. Default for python is and default for perl is, although do NOT specify the file extension for the module. Use 'whatever' instead of '' or '' o Playlist Crossfade Command line option: -C <crossfade secs> Config file tag: Playlist/Crossfade If this is greater than zero, and you have reencoding support, ices will crossfade the specified number of seconds between tracks. E. Licensing ices is licensed under the Gnu General Public License, and for more info about that I suggest you read the file named COPYING. F. Developers resources If you want to write your own streaming software, or perhaps a nice streaming mp3 client, go to _______ This document was originally written by Alexander Haväng [].