NAME plesk2ispconfig - convert Plesk installations to ISPconfig SYNOPSIS plesk2ispconfig [--config=file.yml] DESCRIPTION This script helps you migrate most of your Plesk installation to ISPconfig, namely client accounts, mail addresses (mailboxes, aliases and forwards), web sites and some databases. You configure it through a simple config file, mainly for the credentials to access your installations and your server addresses, and the rest should be fully automatic. OPTIONS --config FILE A YAML config file, see below. --modules MODULE[,MODULE ...] Modules to run. Default is to run all available. --listmodules List available modules and exit. --domains DOMAIN[,DOMAIN ...] Process only these domains. --robust Print an error message and continue on database or SOAP communication errors instead of aborting. --debug Print fairly detailed information to help trace where things go wrong. CONFIGURATION Configuration is through a file written in YAML ( The default looks like this---just replace the values in there but don't change the format. The script validates the contents though to make sure everything it needs is there. --- defaults: mail: gid: 5000 homedir: /var/vmail maildir: /var/vmail/%d/%a uid: 5000 web: allow_override: All ip_map: ruby: y suexec: y traffic_quota_lock: n stats_type: webalizer dns: ns: ns.domain.tld xfer: users: userdir: /var/www/clients/client%c/web%a webuserdir: /var/www/clients/client%c/%a/web_user/%a server: mail: web: db: dns: plesk: db: psa host: port: 3306 user: pleskuser pass: pleskpass key: secret_key_file sync: host: user: root port: 22 ispconfig: uri: http://localhost:8079/remote/ proxy: http://localhost:8079/remote/index.php user: apiuser pass: 123456 postscript: mailsync: writerc: migration_offlineimap.rc fromserver: mail.%d use_ssl: 1 The "plesk" and "ispconfig" sections should be self-explanatory: they specify how to access your respective installations. While ISPconfig has a reasonably easy SOAP interface (in as far as that can be said about *any* SOAP interface), Plesk's homegrown "XML RPC" is a complete train wreck so I speak SQL directly to its database. This has only been tested with Plesk 9.5 though! The "server" section simply specifies your ISPconfig server IPs. If you have only one server for several functions (web/mail/db), just specify the same address repeatedly. The "defaults" contain settings that are found in ISPconfig but not directly equivalent in Plesk. The following might need explanation: ip_map: map old Plesk web server IPs to new ISPconfig ones. If you had several IPs and your sites distributed across them, this will recreate the same distribution in ISPconfig. allow_override: Apache-style directive for .htaccess override permissions for every site. maildir: A printf-style string that has "%d" replaced by the mail domain and "%a" by the account name. Some people prefer the full mail address in the final part, like "/var/vmail/%d/%a@%d", or for very small sites "/var/vmail/%a@%d" stats_type: The kind of webstats program the site wants. I have no idea whether anything besides "webalizer" really works. postscript: The name of a script that plesk2ispconfig will write and that must be executed on the ISPconfig system later to complete the migration. As ISPconfig sensibly hands off more complicated actions such as website creation to a cron job, we can't assume all of that has been done when an API call returns so we have to defer rsyncing of websites and dumping/restoring of databases as well. After the script finishes, copy the file to the target server, wait ~10min and execute it. It uses the user, host and port entries under plesk->sync to log in to the Plesk system using SSH. Every step opens a new connection so you'd better set up public-key authentication to this account if you want to avoid typing the same password over and over again. mailsync: plesk2ispconfig writes an offlineimaprc file named as specified under "writerc". Using this to run the "offlineimap" tool, you can synchronize IMAP accounts from source to target even if they use different server software. "fromserver" is the server name to connect to, in case it's not the one Plesk runs on; this field can use the "%d" placeholder for the client account's domain name. The default would read IMAP data for from databases: These settings control the migration of databases. Currently the only setting is a boolean value under "rewrite_names" that controls whether or not to rewrite database names to ISPconfig's scheme. Both have their drawbacks: - If you do rewrite the names, database and user names will get a prefix of c_$CLIENTID and cu_$CLIENTID respectively. Changing the database settings in ISPconfig will work but you'll have to change the credentials in all installed web applications, CMSs and whatever uses these databases. Theoretically we could guess the system and add an edit script after webspace rsyncing but this will probably only ever happen for the most common ones like Joomla, Wordpress and Drupal. - If you do not rewrite the names, you save the hassle of changing each site's DB credentials but changing anything about the DB later in ISPconfig will fail. Then the only solution is to create a new database in ISPconfig, dump the old one and restore it into the new one before DROPping it. dns: These settings control the migration of DNS zones. - The IP address of the ISPConfig system that will handle DNS - The name server to put in the SOA for each zone - The IP addresses of DNS servers that can transfer zones from ISPConfig key: The location of the server-specific secret key file on the Plesk system, usually /etc/psa/private/secret_key users: Patterns for the user's folder on the ISPConfig system. %a is replaced by the account name and %c by the client ID. BUGS AND LIMITATONS We're getting there. The script has done its first complete migration with only little manual cleanup afterwards, but one should still take care and give the resulting shell scripts at least a quick looking over before running them. Particularly the following things should be kept in mind if they apply to your system: - The database format may have changed in Plesk 10 and cause things to break. If you have a Plesk10 installation that you'd like to convert, send me a dump (edit out your passwords though, they are stored in clear text) and I'll have a look. - Custom name servers are not supported yet. - The only database server supported is mysql. I haven't had a need for anything else, but support shouldn't be hard to add. - Web stats should be preserved if using the same system (webalizer, awstats etc.) on both installations, but are not. - Error handling is rather crude. If you should run into an error that says "SOAP error for method `domains_domain_add': You do not have the permissions to access this function.", this is likely an ISPconfig bug though. You have two possibilities to work around it: a) Find the function "domains_domain_add" in /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/classes/ and delete the whole checkPerm() call (i.e. all but the function's last line) b) Disable the Domains module (it's not essential for the migration to work) by calling the converter with "--modules Clients,Databases,Mail,Websites" REQUIREMENTS Perl and the following modules: local::lib Modern::Perl Moose MooseX::ClassAttribute MooseX::Declare MooseX::Types MooseX::Types::DateTime::ButMaintained MooseX::Getopt List::MoreUtils LWP::Protocol::https Method::Signatures::Modifiers Crypt::Rijndael DateTime::Format::MySQL Data::Dumper DBD::MySQL DBIx::Simple Digest::MD5 MIME::Base64 Scalar::Util SOAP::Lite YAML Regexp::Common Regexp::IPv6 AUTHOR Matthias Bethke <>