
The goal of this project is to create an 'Hex' simulator.


The program will receive the data describing the ant farm from standard output in the following format:


The ant farm is defined by the following links:

1 23 3
2 16 7
3 16 3
4 16 5
5 9 3
6 1 5
7 4 8
0 9 5
#another comment
#another comment

Which corresponds to the following representation:

            /                \
     ______[5]----[3]----[1] |
    /              |     /   |
    [6]-----[0]----[4]  /    |
    \   _________/ |   /     |
     \ /           [2]/_______/

There are two parts:

  • The rooms, which are defined by: name coord_x coord_y
  • The links, which are defined by: name1-name2
  • All of it is broken by comments, which start with #

The rooms’ names won’t necessarily be numbers, and they won’t necessarily be in the right and continuous order (we will find rooms with names such as zdfg, qwerty, etc...) But most importantly, a room will never start with the character L nor the character #

The rooms’ coordinates will always be integers.

Lines that start with ## are commands modifying the properties of the line that comes right after.

For example, ##start signals the ant farm’s entrance and ##end its exit.

Any unknown command will be ignored.

Any non compliant or empty lines will automatically stop the ant farm’s reading as well as the orderly processing of the acquired data

If there isn’t enough data to process normally you must display ERROR


This project will only be corrected by actual human beings. You are therefore free to organize and name your files as you wish, although you need to respect some requirements listed below.

The executable file must be named lem-in.

You must submit a Makefile. That Makefile needs to compile the project and must contain the usual rules. It can only recompile the program if necessary.

If you are clever, you will use your library for your lem-in. Also submit your folder libft including its own Makefile at the root of your repository. Your Makefile will have to compile the library, and then compile your project.

Your project must be written in C in accordance with the Norm.

You have to handle errors in a sensitive manner. In no way can your program quit in an unexpected manner (Segmentation fault, bus error, double free, etc).

Your program cannot have memory leaks.

Within your mandatory part you are allowed to use the following functions: ◦ malloc ◦ free ◦ read ◦ write ◦ strerror ◦ perror ◦ exit

You are allowed to use other functions to carry out the bonus part as long as their use is justified during your defence.

You can ask questions on the forum & Slack.