
Lightweight solution for to create optimised custom context.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Lightweight solution to create custom React context. Build with typescript, untop useContext and useSyncExternalStore.


Install it with :

npm i archa

To create your custom context use the createStore function. It takes 2 arguments:

  • initialSate, an object with your states.
  • dispatch (optional), a callback exposing set and get methods to create a list of functions to mutate your states.
const { Provider, useStore } = createStore({
  string: ''

and return:

  • Provider
  • useStore, expose all state and a setStore method. Trigger a rerender of your component only when one of the returned state is mutate. If dispatch were provided setStore will not be expose.
  • useDispatch, expose all dispatch functions
  const [state1, setStore] = useStore((store) => [store.state1 store.setStore]);
  const function1 = useDispatch((dispatch) => dispatch.function1);
  setStore(({ string }) => ({ string: newString })

To Do

  • [] Add a way to get selectors value.
    • by changing useDispatch into useActions (name WIP)
    • by creating a new useSelector hook. If so, should useDispatch use return value to update the store instead of using the set method ?
  • [] Make the Provider be able to take value (Partial<T_Store>).
  • [] Add test.

Example without dispatch

import { createStore } from 'archa';

const { Provider, useStore } = createStore({
  count: 0,

function Count() {
  const setStore = useStore((store) => store.setStore);

  return (
      <button onClick={() => setStore(({ count }) => ({ count: count + 1 }))}>
        Increment count
      <button onClick={() => setStore(({ count }) => ({ count: count - 1 }))}>
        Decrement count

function CountDisplay() {
  const count = useStore((store) => store.count);

  return <span>{`The current count is ${count}.`}</span>;

export function Counter() {
  return (
      <CountDisplay />
      <Count />

Example with dispatch

import { createStore } from 'archa';

const { Provider, useStore, useDispatch } = createStore(
    count: 0,
  (set, get) => ({
    addCount: () => {
      const { count } = get();
      set({ count: count + 1 }):
    removeCount: () => {
      const { count } = get();
      set({ count: count - 1 }):

function Count() {
  const [ addCount, removeCount ] = useDispatch((dispatch) => [
    dispatch.addCount, dispatch.removeCount

  return (
    <button onClick={addCount}>
      Increment count
    <button onClick={removeCount}>
      Decrement count

function CountDisplay() {
  const count = useStore((store) => store.count);

  return (
    <span>{`The current count is ${count}.`}</span>

export function Counter() {
  return (
      <CountDisplay />
      <Count />