
C++11 implementation of {{ mustache }}

Primary LanguageC++

{{ bustache }} Try it online

C++11 implementation of {{ mustache }}, compliant with spec v1.1.3.


  • Boost - for unordered_map, etc

Optional Dependencies

Supported Features

  • Variables
  • Sections
  • Inverted Sections
  • Comments
  • Partials
  • Set Delimiter
  • Lambdas
  • HTML escaping (configurable)
  • Template inheritance (extension)
  • Customizable behavior on unresolved key
  • User-defined object and list


{{ mustache }} is a template language for text-replacing. When it comes to formatting, there are 2 essential things -- Format and Data. {{ mustache }} also allows an extra lookup-context for Partials. In {{ bustache }}, we represent the Format as a bustache::format object, and bustache::object for Data, and anything that provides interface that is compatible with Map<std::string, bustache::format> can be used for Partials. The Format is orthogonal to the Data, so technically you can use your custom Data type with bustache::format, but then you have to write the formatting logic yourself.

Quick Example

bustache::format format{"{{mustache}} templating"};
bustache::object data{{"mustache", "bustache"}};
std::cout << format(data); // should print "bustache templating"


Data Model

It's basically the JSON Data Model represented in C++, with some extensions.


#include <bustache/model.hpp>


using array = std::vector<value>;
using object = boost::unordered_map<std::string, value>;
using lambda0v = std::function<value()>;
using lambda0f = std::function<format()>;
using lambda1v = std::function<value(ast::content_list const&)>;
using lambda1f = std::function<format(ast::content_list const&)>;

// Non-owning UDT views.
class object_view;
class list_view;

class value =
      , bool
      , int
      , double
      , std::string
      , array
      , lambda0v
      , lambda0f
      , lambda1v
      , lambda1f
      , object
      , object_view
      , list_view

Format Object

bustache::format parses in-memory string into AST.


#include <bustache/format.hpp>



format(char const* begin, char const* end); // [1]

template<std::size_t N>
explicit format(char const (&source)[N]); // [2]

template<class Source>
explicit format(Source const& source); // [3]

template <typename Source>
explicit format(Source const&& source); // [4]

explicit format(ast::content_list contents, bool copytext = true); // [5]
  • Source is an object that represents continous memory, like std::string, std::vector<char> or boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source that provides access to raw memory through source.data() and source.size().
  • Version 2 allows implicit conversion from literal.
  • Version 1~3 doesn't hold the text, you must ensure the memory referenced is valid and not modified at the use of the format object.
  • Version 4 copies the necessary text into its internal buffer, so there's no lifetime issue.
  • Version 5 takes a ast::content_list, if copytext == true the text will be copied into the internal buffer.


template <typename T>
manipulator<T, no_context>
operator()(T const& data, option_type flag = normal) const;

template <typename T, typename Context>
manipulator<T, Context>
operator()(T const& data, Context const& context, option_type flag = normal) const;
  • Context is the lookup-context used by Partials. You can implement bustache::context_trait<T> for your custom context:
struct context_trait<T>
    static format const* get(T const& self, std::string const& key);

context_trait has default implementation for Map<std::string, bustache::format>, where Map has interface like map or unordered_map.

  • option_type provides 2 options: normal and escape_html, if normal is chosen, there's no difference between {{Tag}} and {{{Tag}}}, the text won't be escaped in both cases.

Stream-based Output

Output directly to the std::basic_ostream.


// in <bustache/model.hpp>
template<class CharT, class Traits, class T, class Context,
    std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<value_view, T>::value, bool> = true>
inline std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& out, manipulator<T, Context> const& manip)


// open the template file
boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source file(...);
// create format from source
bustache::format format(file);
// create the data we want to output
bustache::object data{...};
// create the context for Partials
std::unordered_map<std::string, bustache::format> context{...};
// output the result
std::cout << format(data, context, bustache::escape_html);

Note that you can output anything that constitutes bustache::value, not just bustache::object.

String Output

Generate a std::string from a manipulator.


// in <bustache/model.hpp>
template<class T, class Context,
    std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<value_view, T>::value, bool> = true>
inline std::string to_string(manipulator<T, Context> const& manip)


bustache::format format(...);
std::string txt = to_string(format(data, context, bustache::escape_html));

Generate API

generate can be used for customized output.


#include <bustache/generate.hpp>

template<class Sink, class UnresolvedHandler = default_unresolved_handler>
inline void generate
    Sink& sink, format const& fmt, value_view const& data,
    option_type flag = normal, UnresolvedHandler&& f = {}
    generate(sink, fmt, data, no_context::dummy(), flag, std::forward<UnresolvedHandler>(f));

template<class Sink, class Context, class UnresolvedHandler = default_unresolved_handler>
void generate
    Sink& sink, format const& fmt, value_view const& data,
    Context const& context, option_type flag = normal, UnresolvedHandler&& f = {}

Sink is a polymorphic functor that handles:

void operator()(char const* it, char const* end);
void operator()(bool data);
void operator()(int data);
void operator()(double data);

You don't have to deal with HTML-escaping yourself, it's handled within generate depending on the option.

UnresolvedHandler is a callable object that has the signature:

value(std::string const& key);

The key parameter is the unresolved key. The default handler just returns a null value.

Predefined Generators

These are predefined output built on generate.


  • #include <bustache/generate/ostream.hpp>
  • #include <bustache/generate/string.hpp>
template<class CharT, class Traits, class Context, class UnresolvedHandler = default_unresolved_handler>
void generate_ostream
    std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& out, format const& fmt,
    value_view const& data, Context const& context,
    option_type flag, UnresolvedHandler&& f = {}

template<class String, class Context, class UnresolvedHandler = default_unresolved_handler>
void generate_string
    String& out, format const& fmt,
    value_view const& data, Context const& context,
    option_type flag, UnresolvedHandler&& f = {}


The stream-based output and string output are built on these functions, but <bustache/model.hpp> doesn't include these headers and only supports char output, if you need other char-type support for stream/string output, you have to include these headers as well.

Advanced Topics


The lambdas in {{ bustache }} have 4 variants - they're production of 2 param-set x 2 return-type. One param-set accepts no params, the other accepts a bustache::ast::content_list const&. One return-type is bustache::value, the other is bustache::format.

Note that unlike other implementations, we pass a bustache::ast::content_list instead of a raw string. A content_list is a parsed list of AST nodes, you can make a new content_list out of the old one and give it to a bustache::format.


Sometimes it's infeasible or inefficent to transform the whole user data to the JSON-like data model. Fortunately, {{ bustache }} allows users to use custom types in the data model, by implementing the required traits and using the corresponding views for the UDTs.

Custom Object

Implement bustache::object_trait for your object type T:

struct object_trait<T>
    static value_ptr get(T const& self, std::string const& key, value_holder& hold);

Use bustache::object_view to make a view to the object:

T data;

Custom List

Implement bustache::list_trait for your list type T:

struct list_trait<T>
    static bool empty(T const& self);
    static std::uintptr_t begin_cursor(T const& self);
    static value_ptr next(T const& self, std::uintptr_t& state, value_holder& hold);
    static void end_cursor(T const& self, std::uintptr_t) noexcept {}

Use bustache::list_view to make a view to the list:

T data;

Use of value_holder

Note that both object_trait<T>::get and list_trait<T>::next take a bustache::value_holder& and return a bustache::value_ptr. The value that value_ptr refers to must outlive the pointer, and that's what value_holder offers - to hold the value.

To return a local value:

return hold(10);

To return an object_view to some data member:

return hold(object_view(self.obj));

To return a local object:

return hold.object(obj); // obj is copied.

To return a local list:

return hold.list(lst); // lst is copied.

It's not always necessary to use value_holder. If you know the data outlives the returned value_ptr, you can do something like:

return value_view(self.data).get_pointer();

Error Handling

The constructor of bustache::format may throw bustache::format_error if the parsing fails.

class format_error : public std::runtime_error
    explicit format_error(error_type err);

    error_type code() const;

error_type has these values:

  • error_set_delim
  • error_baddelim
  • error_delim
  • error_section
  • error_badkey

You can also use what() for a descriptive text.


Compare with 2 other libs - mstch and Kainjow.Mustache. See benchmark.cpp.

Sample run (VS2017 15.7.4, boost 1.67.0, 64-bit release build):

06/25/18 16:14:52
Run on (8 X 3392 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 32K (x4)
  L1 Instruction 32K (x4)
  L2 Unified 262K (x4)
  L3 Unified 8388K (x1)
Benchmark               Time           CPU Iterations
bustache_usage       6605 ns       6627 ns      89600
mstch_usage        106620 ns     106027 ns       5600
kainjow_usage       22828 ns      22949 ns      32000

Lower is better.



Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Jamboree

Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)