
Terraform Provider Lint Tool

Primary LanguageGo


A linting tool for Terraform Provider code.


Local Install

Release binaries are available in the Releases section.

To instead use Go to install into your $GOBIN directory (e.g. $GOPATH/bin):

$ go get github.com/bflad/tfproviderlint/cmd/tfproviderlint

Docker Install

$ docker pull bflad/tfproviderlint

Homebrew Install

$ brew install bflad/tap/tfproviderlint


Additional information about usage and configuration options can be found by passing the help argument:

$ tfproviderlint help

Local Usage

Change into the directory of the Terraform Provider code and run:

$ tfproviderlint ./...

It is also possible to run via go vet:

$ go vet -vettool $(which tfproviderlint) ./...

Docker Usage

Change into the directory of the Terraform Provider code and run:

$ docker run -v $(pwd):/src bflad/tfproviderlint ./...

GitHub Action Usage

A GitHub Action is available: tfproviderlint-github-action

Lint Checks

For additional information about each check, you can run tfproviderlint help NAME.

Acceptance Test Checks

Check Description Type
AT001 check for TestCase missing CheckDestroy AST
AT002 check for acceptance test function names including the word import AST
AT003 check for acceptance test function names missing an underscore AST
AT004 check for TestStep Config containing provider configuration AST

Resource Checks

Check Description Type
R001 check for ResourceData.Set() calls using complex key argument AST
R002 check for ResourceData.Set() calls using * dereferences AST
R003 check for Resource having Exists functions AST
R004 check for ResourceData.Set() calls using incompatible value types AST

Schema Checks

Check Description Type
S001 check for Schema of TypeList or TypeSet missing Elem AST
S002 check for Schema with both Required and Optional enabled AST
S003 check for Schema with both Required and Computed enabled AST
S004 check for Schema with both Required and Default configured AST
S005 check for Schema with both Computed and Default configured AST
S006 check for Schema of TypeMap missing Elem AST

Development and Testing

This project is built on the go/analysis framework and uses Go Modules for dependency management.

Helpful tooling for development:

  • astdump: a tool for displaying the AST form of Go file
  • ssadump: a tool for displaying and interpreting the SSA form of Go programs

Adding an Analyzer

  • Create new analyzer in passes/
  • Add new analyzer in cmd/tfproviderlint/tfproviderlint.go
  • Since the analysistest package does not support Go Modules currently, each analyzer that implements testing must add a symlink to the top level vendor directory in the testdata/src directory. e.g. ln -s ../../../../vendor passes/NAME/testdata/src/vendor

Updating Dependencies

$ go get URL
$ go mod tidy
$ go mod vendor

Unit Testing

$ go test ./...

Local Install Testing

$ go install ./cmd/tfproviderlint