
A serverless URL shortener using python/flask with DynamoDb as the data store

Primary LanguagePython

El Chapo


Create virtual environment

virtualenv venv

Activate virtual environment

source venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt


Create an AWS account if you dont have one already and retrieve - public key and private key and then configure aws account on your terminal

aws configure

Refer to zappa_settings.json and change the parameters accoring to your application. You are now ready to deploy the application to staging and production.

zappa deploy <staging/production>

You can now configure your short url domain to route all requests to the URL that is given by zappa in the above step. If you have to update the application, run

zappa update <staging/production>

To delete the deployment run

zappa undeploy <staging/production>


Create a new shortened URL. The webhook paramater here is optional.

curl -XPOST '<short_url_domain>/c' -d '{
	"path": "shortpath",
	"webhook": "https://f81421ad32aa6b3f557cec14301e1296.m.pipedream.net?id=idtotrack",
	"redirect_url": "https://google.com"
}' -H "content-type: application/json"

Retrieve the original URL from the short url

curl '<short_url_domain>/shortpath'

Closing note

For more information regarding zappa and all the frameworks that it supports, please check out zappa