
A summary of tools for use by Pakistani startups.


A summary of tools & resouces for use by Pakistani startups.


Due to a rapidly increasing ecosystem of startups in Pakistan, local companies have built products to help these startups out solve several problems endemic to the country. A curated list of groups, tools and resources are available below.

Pitch Deck

Startup Bibles

  • Lean Startup by Eric Ries
  • Lean Analytics by O Reilly
  • Jab Jab Jab Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk
  • Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki
  • Startup Land by Mikkel Svane

Startup Aggregators / Product Listings

Social Media Groups

Coworking Spaces

Incubators / Accelerators

Website Hosting

Payment Gateways

SMS Providers

Investor Listings




Curated by Millennium Softwares (https://www.millsoft.com.pk)