Hello Twilio

Tweek 8.5 Project

Python 3 Flask App

Short description

Currently our checkin procedure for Twilio After Hours is not automated. This creates a checkin bottleneck that is detrimental to the experience of our event attendees. Using our Messaging software and the Splashthat API, we want to create an automated checkin system.

Departments impacted

Engineering, recruiting, messaging, and marketing


  • Elizabeth Acosta
  • Marina Bichoffe
  • Lyra Hall
  • Kyle Woumn
  • Lupita Davila
  • Mel Chang

Set up your local environment variables

Go to your tweek-hello-twilio project folder. You will need a .env file, and the quickest way to do that is to use our .env.example file, which is part of the github repo, by copying it over:

cp .env_example .env

Add the values from your Twilio.com account to the file.

Setting up venv and running server:

  • Run python -m venv venv in your home directory (it might be python3 depending on what you've got locally)

  • A venv folder should appear in your directory.

  • Run source venv/bin/activate

  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Run python main.py and go to localhost:5000

  • The project is run locally on ngrok. The command is ngrok http -subdomain=lyra 5000, which only works on Lyra's computer.

  • The above ngrok url is configured on the shortcode, with Marina's ngrok subdomain as a backup.