
Real-time, AI-generated podcasts on any topic. Updated daily.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Podcaster - Real Time Podcasts


Podcaster creates custom podcasts in real-time on any user-requested topic, in only 5 seconds, using the most advanced AI model from OpenAI, Anthropic AI, and Perplexity AI. It also leverages 7 categories with 10 pre-generated instantly available podcasts, that update/regenerate each 24 hours.


Loading Screen Main Screen Podcast Screen
Loading Screen Main Screen Podcast Screen

Video Demo

Video Demo

Getting Started


  • Node.js should be installed on the machine.


  • Backend: navigate to the “www” folder, install the dependencies (npm install)
  • Frontend: navigate to the app folder, install the dependencies (npm install)

Environment Variables

Backend (/www):


  • open_ai_token: OpenAI API key
  • mongodb_connection_url: MongoDB connection URL
  • perplexity_ai_token: Perplexity API key
  • PORT: backend server port
  • server_url: URL of the server, including the port
  • NODE_ENV: “production” or “dev”
  • spaces_access_key: aws-sdk API compatible access key
  • spaces_secret_access_key: aws-sdk API compatible secret access key


  • labs_api_key: 11Labs API for better podcast sound capabilities
  • anthropic_ai_token: Antropic API key. Sometimes it generates better podcasts than OpenAI, depending on the scenario
  • dupdub_api_key: DupDub API key used for animated podcast video generation
  • cdn_url: content delivery network URL used to get images of of the podcast co-hosters for video generation


Firstly, start the backend server by navigating to “www” folder and running npm run dev. Then, start frontend by navigating to “app” folder and running npm run start. Once both successfully start, select an environment to run the application: iOS/Android device, web or simulator.

High-level application diagram:

Podcaster application diagram

Built with


  • React Native: A framework for building native apps using React.\
  • Expo: A platform for making universal native apps for Android, iOS, and the web with JavaScript and React.


  • Node.js: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine.\
  • Express: A fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js.\
  • MongoDB: A NoSQL database designed for modern application developers and for the cloud era.\
  • Mongoose: An elegant mongodb object modeling for Node.js.


  • OpenAI SDK: Tools to interact with OpenAI’s APIs.\
  • Anthropic AI SDK: SDK for accessing Anthropic’s AI models.\
  • Perplexity AI: Tools to interact with Perplexity’s APIs.\
  • ElevenLabs: Provides API tools for voice cloning and speech synthesis.\
  • AWS SDK: AWS Software Development Kit for access to Amazon Web Services.\
  • Mixpanel: Analytics platform to analyze user interactions.\
  • Telegraf: Modern Telegram bot framework for Node.js.
