This VS2017 solution provides Windows 10 plugins for the MetaWear C# SDK, providing Win10 specific Bluetooth and file I/O operations. You can use this plugin for both UWP and .NET console appluations.

The Win10 machine must be on the Fall Creator's Update or later.


Use the Package Manager console to install the MetaWear.CSharp.Win10 package in addition to the MetaWear.CSharp package.

PM> Install-Package MetaWear.CSharp
PM> Install-Package MetaWear.CSharp.Win10


First, retrieve the BluetoothLEDevice object corresponding to the desired BLE device, then call GetMetaWearBoard to retrieve an IMetaWearBoard object for your device.

public async IMetaWearBoard macAddrToIMetaWearBoard(ulong mac) {
    var device = await BluetoothLEDevice.FromBluetoothAddressAsync(mac);
    return MbientLab.MetaWear.Win10.Application.GetMetaWearBoard(device);

After retrieving your IMetaWearBoard object, you can use the SDK features, as outlined in the SDK developers' guide.