Vision Craft guesses game app.

Technologies Used

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Sequelize
  • React
  • Typescript
  • Elephant sql (postgresql)

To access/run the app

  • Clone repository - git clone
  • install all server packages npm i
  • install all client packages cd client && npm i
  • install sequelize globally
  • create postgresql db and insert the dbUrl to .env file. If no .env exists, create new one similar to the .env-sample.
  • run migrations sequelize db:migrate
  • start server app npm run dev:nodemon or npm run dev
  • start client app npm start

Some Future Features/Improvement

  • Config for CI/CD
  • Better error handling
  • More FE integration and api consumption
  • More api functionality (e.g delete & update user, delete question)
  • Ensure questions cannot be updated after guess has been saved


EndPoint Functionality Request-Body (type) Params
POST /api/users Create user username(string) -
GET /api/users Get all users - -
GET /api/user/:userId Gets one user - userId
GET /api/question/:userId Get question for user - userId
PUT /api/question/:questionId Save user's guess guesses (string) questionId


  1. Fork this repository to your account.
  2. Clone your repository: git clone
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m "do something".
  4. Push to the remote branch: git push origin new-feature.
  5. Open a pull request.



Copyright (c) 2021 Maranatha A Ilesanmi