
TortoiseGit commands for Visual Studio Code

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

TortoiseGit commands for Visual Studio Code


Inspired by the TortoiseGit Toolbar Visual Studio extension, this extension provides commands for launching common TortoiseGit dialogs from within Visual Studio Code.

You can execute these commands either by searching for TGit in the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P), or via keyboard shortcuts.

Default shortcuts

Global shortcuts:

  • (G)it (C)ommit - Ctrl+G, Ctrl+C
  • (G)it (F)etch - Ctrl+G, Ctrl+F
  • (G)it (L)og - Ctrl+G, Ctrl+L
  • (G)it (M)erge - Ctrl+G, Ctrl+M
  • (G)it (P)ull - Ctrl+G, Ctrl+P
  • (G)it P(u)sh - Ctrl+G, Ctrl+U
  • (G)it (R)ebase - Ctrl+G, Ctrl+R
  • (G)it Re(v)ert - Ctrl+G, Ctrl+V
  • (G)it Stash-L(i)st - Ctrl+G, Ctrl+I
  • (G)it Stash-P(o)p - Ctrl+G, Ctrl+O
  • (G)it Stash-S(a)ve - Ctrl+G, Ctrl+A
  • (G)it (S)witch - Ctrl+G, Ctrl+S
  • (G)it S(y)nc - Ctrl+S, Ctrl+Y
  • (G)it Clea(n)up - Ctrl+G, Ctrl+N
  • (G)it Repository (D)iff - Ctrl+G, Ctrl+D

Current file shortcuts:

  • (G)it R(e)solve - Ctrl+G, Ctrl+E
  • (G)it File (L)og - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G, Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L
  • (G)it File (B)lame - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G, Ctrl+Shift+Alt+B
  • (G)it File (D)iff - Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G, Ctrl+Shift+Alt+D

Bisect commands are also available, but with no preset shortcuts.

To customize shortcuts go to File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts.

Shortcut conflicts

Since the default shortcuts will make Ctrl+G (Go To Line) inaccessible, you can change them, or just change the one for "Go To Line" to be e.g. Ctrl+G, Ctrl+G:

{ "key": "Ctrl+g Ctrl+g", "command": "workbench.action.gotoLine" }

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the tgit.launcherPath setting, specifying the full path to TortoiseGitProc.exe. It is set to the default installation path of TortoiseGit, so you might need to adjust it if you installed elsewhere.

Running the code

  • run npm install in the checkout directory to install dependencies
  • press F5 to open a new VSCode window with the extension loaded
  • run a command from the command palette by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P and typing tgit
  • set breakpoints inside src/extension.ts to debug the extension
  • find output from the extension in the debug console
  • you can relaunch the extension from the debug toolbar after changing code in src/extension.ts
  • you can also use Ctrl+R to reload the VS Code window with the extension to load any changes

Here's to productivity!