Article Filter plugin for Tiny-Tiny-RSS to replace article stubs by website contents.
- 1
Feeds mit Updates
#35 opened by radlerandi - 3
Problem Golem.de
#32 opened by radlerandi - 1
Evolution of feedmod
#46 opened by m42e - 1
the guardian feed
#41 opened by four2six - 0
Use "readability" to auto-select article body
#43 opened by pictuga - 2
problem android.pit
#33 opened by radlerandi - 0
add license
#42 opened by Gubolin - 5
Select /html/body/
#38 opened by lbell - 2
UTF-8 problem
#40 opened by gjedeer - 6
German Umlaute are broken
#1 opened by tommynd - 0
Modify after filtering
#34 opened by tewe - 1
Feature Request: Regex replacements
#24 opened by ivan98 - 1
German Umlaut not properly displayed
#25 opened by aschilling - 0
Using more than one element
#26 opened by mbrandis - 11
- 6
Enable images in generated feeds
#22 opened by MaluNoPeleke - 1
#21 opened by robinmarlow - 2
Modify article content
#20 opened by oscar-b - 2
suggestion: URL_REWRITE Type
#6 opened by hnz101 - 0
Support tagesschau.de
#18 opened by MaluNoPeleke - 1
globo feed
#17 opened by four2six - 2
error: Invalid JSON!
#16 opened by four2six - 4
Call to undefined method PluginHost::getInstance()
#14 opened by anno73 - 1
- 7
Error after installation in settings dialog
#5 opened by Elv1zz - 4
Trim article (read more option)
#4 opened by Kasad - 0