
Return a promise from a call to Ember.ActionHandler#send

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


This experimental monkey patch lets you respond to a result of an Ember action via promises. Each call to ActionHandler#send or Router#send will return a promise that can be resolved or rejected in an action handler.


[BREAKING] This patch may break your app by changing the method signature of action handlers. Every action handler receives an additional resolver argument, which you can either ignore or use to resolve / reject the promise. If you process arguments in some of your action handlers by checking for arguments length, you have to account for the added resolver.


askForConfirmation = @send 'openModal', text: "Are you sure you want to delete the item?"
# `askForConfirmation` is a promise that resolves upon the modal is closed with some 'OK' button
destroyRecord = askForConfirmation.then => (@get 'model').destroyRecord()
# We can chain promises as usual
destroyRecord.then => @transitionToRoute 'items.index'

In the action handler:

  # @param resolver RSVP.Resolver {resolve: Function, reject: Function}
  openModal: (args..., resolver) ->
    @resolver = resolver

  closeModal: (args..., resolver) ->
    [response] = args
    if response then @resolver.resolve response else @resolver.reject()


Fetch mbixby/ember-actions-with-promises with Bower, import ember-actions-with-promises/dist/ember-actions-with-promises.js in Brocfile.js (if you're using ember-cli) and require the ember-actions-with-promises module in app.js or some app initializer.


  • While the original intent behind actions may have been one way communication up the MVC stack, the ability to return some result and respond to it is often quite handy
  • Only ActionHandler#send and Router#send return promises, not e.g. Transition#trigger
  • RSVP#defer now returns an instance of RSVP.Resolver instead of Object