
Experimental color scheme aiming to transform code smells to visual patterns

Github Notes

Github Notes is an experimental color scheme and part of a set of visual improvements with two goals:

  • use visual patterns to highlight code smells and support good OOP practices
  • provide relaxed, calm atmosphere for reading and writing code



  • Please star the repo if you'd like this idea to be explored further.

  • As of yet, there's just Github Color Scheme with a couple of modifications:

    • no penalization of strings and instance variables (e.g. @property in Coffeescript) – being neutrally colored, they don't drive attention and generate any color patterns in a document
    • lower importance of comments to encourage self-explanatory code (ball pen blue replaced with warm grey)
    • more natural black pen color for unstyled foreground text
  • Use with Bluebird for Sublime. Bluebird also includes packages for Markdown and Coffeescript with better support for Github color scheme.

  • In modern typography, various features are used to improve readibility of your documents. In addition to different colors, you are provided with different sizes of fonts, weights, italics, kerned-type, leading or paragraph-specific leading. In lack of software with such features, try Sublime with Monaco Lives font at 13 - 14 px (part of Bluebird).

  • Code that smells nice is a code that looks nice.

  • Try also Blackbird & Facebook theme.


Based on mbixby/github-color-scheme, which is based on Martin Kühl's Github theme, which itself is based on ~2012 Github code style.