
Library for tree representation and traversal (search) written mostly in FRP-style Javascript

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


TreeCursor provides a generic way of traversing trees (retrieving node's children, successors, etc.) with support for togglable memoization, property observers, virtual tree representations, lazy validators and partial tree discovery. This is mostly an experimental project.


By implementing one method (#findChildrenNodes) you will automatically gain:

  • useful node accessors, e.g. #root, #firstChild, #successor, #leafSuccessor,...
  • property observers
  • memoization of adjacent nodes (for more efficient traversal)
  • search
  • your previous node class cleaned up from basic traversal-related code
  • support for volatile trees (trees whose nodes change dynamically)
  • nomenclature that follows conventions (popular or from CS literature)

And if you additionally implement #findParentNode:

  • ability to lazily reject selected nodes based on predefined validations
  • ability to trim trees, prune branches
  • ability to work with partially discovered trees (nodes will recognize each other – see cursor pools)

Getting Started


Provide your own tree-specific implementation by extending this class and implementing at least methods #findParentNode and #findChildrenNodes. Alternatively, you can implement #findParentNode, #findFirstChildNode and #findRightSiblingNode. Implement the rest of #find*Node methods if you need or already have more efficient traversal.

Node = Ember.Object.extend TreeSearch.Traversable,
  name: undefined
  childNodes: undefined
  parentNode: null

  # By mixing in TreeSearch.Traversable and providing custom cursorClass, 
  # we'll gain all of TreeCursor's perks and features.
  cursorClass: TreeSearch.TreeCursor.extend
    findChildNodes: (node) -> node.childNodes
    findParentNode: (node) -> node.parentNode

a = Node.create()
b = Node.create parentNode: a
a.get 'successor' #=> a


class Node
  name: undefined
  childNodes: undefined
  init: -> @cursor = TreeCursor.create node: this
a = Node.create()
b = Node.create parentNode: a
a.cursor.get 'successor' #=> a


Subclass TreeSearch.ObjectWithSharedPool TBA Example


Don't use TreeCursor...

  • when using trees for data storage, not data representation
  • in large trees – there are currently no benchmarks and best performance hasn't been amongst the project's goals


ember-core provides widely-used OOP features (link to blog post) and some faux FRP features that don't require as much time investment (as, for example, Reactive Extensions)


  • more documentation
  • module export
  • mutability (currently you need to call #resetSubtree after changing a subtree)
  • refactor TreeSearch into lazy map and filter methods
  • circular dependencies and eventual consistency
  • better performance, benchmarks

Last but not least

This is a paragraph used to brag about the included ASCII tree parser written solely for better test readability.

Helpers.AsciiTreeParser.parse """
       /   ∖
     E       L 
   /  ∖  
  L    O  


Run npm install; bower install; grunt to compile. Run grunt test for unit and acceptance tests. Include in your projects with Bower.


Copyright 2013 by Michal Obrocnik and licensed under the MIT License. See included LICENSE file for details. 'Tree' icon by Bruno Forni is used under a CC BY lincese.

Some documentation and comments are cited from Obrocnik, Michal. "Document Annotation Tool." Thesis. Masaryk University, 2014. Web.