
Template Haskell utilities for Hasql

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


This is a fork of the official hasql-th library that takes a different path for type annotations.

Key difference:

  1. Does NOT support the ? suffixes for types to annotate NULL mapping to Maybe.
  2. All core types by default are Maybe.
  3. It supports custom types that may not be Maybe.
  4. It does NOT need to modify the SQL (Due to the ? suffix not being supported by postgresql) and sends the original SQL string to the PG server, removing the SQL generation from the critical correctness pass.
  5. It uses a fork of postgresql-syntax with support for non standard ? type suffixes removed.
  6. Rename to Hasql.MTH namespace.


This library builds on the extensive work of Nikita Volkow and would not exists without his entire hasql ecosystem.