๐ An off-canvas sidebar Vue component - https://vue-burger-menu.netlify.app/
- 0
Unrecommended package !
#144 opened by seifrached - 0
Undefined error when importing the library. Additionally, the documentation is confusing.
#143 opened by aaronchristian99 - 1
- 1
Could not find a declaration file or module
#134 opened by zirekx - 0
#142 opened by Tolgahan20 - 1
configure to use in nuxtjs
#109 opened by peterDijk - 1
Change bm-burger-bars
#128 opened by FlorianWip - 1
Cannot resolve symbol 'Slide'
#121 opened by ungarson - 4
Error in Production
#102 opened by reyesmfabian - 1
Typescript Support
#108 opened by sergeyshevch - 1
How do I change the styles of this component?
#114 opened by LovelyAndy - 2
Any plans to support Vue3
#116 opened by narender56 - 2
Override burger button
#73 opened by EggIt - 0
PUSH ROTATE does not close correctly
#112 opened by demiavaliani - 0
- 1
Not closing when click on <router-link>
#105 opened by jerearaujo03 - 1
Close button doesn;t adjust with width size
#49 opened by mbj36 - 1
Typescript support
#70 opened by Leviosar - 2
Would i ask something? when hamburger menu was opened and closed, contents in menu were distored..
#103 opened by Developer-Brandon - 1
- 2
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How to manuly trigger menu
#94 opened by ayoubkhan558-zz - 0
How do you do 2 instances?
#97 opened by amchconsult - 3
Browser CDN
#91 opened by amchconsult - 4
Can't style CSS
#52 opened by adpace - 3
- 3
Menu breaks on heroku deploy
#68 opened by Colin-Moran - 0
Use it at the top
#77 opened by vaettw - 1
Open side nav manually
#82 opened by clien007 - 4
isOpen doesn't work
#63 opened by RomkaLTU - 3
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Slide and Reveal exactly the same animation?
#88 opened by DrCord - 6
Sidebar closing when clicking inside it
#56 opened by RomkaLTU - 0
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Ignore navbar when using Push
#55 opened by stefanknegt - 0
bm-overlay partially covers the view behind.
#80 opened by mizutori - 2
Cannot put a dropdown on the menu list.
#79 opened by toyopilgrim - 0
Cannot put dropdown in the menu
#78 opened by toyoshima-c-fixer - 0
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Issue on iOS Safari and ChromeOS
#71 opened by Tes3awy - 0
- 1
isOpen doesn't work
#67 opened by clockmedia - 1
Styling is not preserved
#61 opened by mc-mosa - 1
CloseOnEsc is not working properly
#59 opened by mc-mosa - 1
- 0
- 0
Elements disappear when menu is open
#57 opened by hsevilla - 4
- 0
Animation stops halfway through when closing the menu and modifying vuex store in the on-click method
#53 opened by codemeier - 5
Could not load existing sourcemap
#51 opened by mallim