
Provides guidance for publishing schema.org as JSON-LD for the sciences

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Science On Schema.Org (SOSO) Guidance Documents

This repository provides guidance for repository operators and others to follow consistent conventions to provide schema.org markup in Dataset landing pages to improve data discovery through search engines. The main guides help describe Datasets and Data Repositories.

  • Dataset - guidelines for schema.org for a scientific Dataset
  • Data Repository - guidelines for schema.org for a research data repository
  • Getting Started - explains some useful techniques that will be common across all schema.org types

This guidance has been created by members of the ESIP science-on-schema.org cluster. The cluster will be seeking endorsement across all members of ESIP, and in the meantime is releasing a series of progressively more mature guidance documents for the community. Your feedback and contributions are welcome. The cluster meets twice monthly, and all are welcome:


Science on Schema.org (SOSO) releases are archived on Zenodo, and the current release should be cited as:

Matthew B. Jones, Stephen Richard, Dave Vieglais, Adam Shepherd, Ruth Duerr, Doug Fils, Lewis McGibbney. (2021). Science-on-Schema.org v1.2.0 (Version 1.2.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4477164

Upcoming Work

v1.3 (issues, develop branch)

Version DOIs

Version DOI
