xray is a framework for writing XQuery unit tests on MarkLogic Server. Version 2.0 uses function annotations to define tests, and requires MarkLogic 6 or above. For MarkLogic 5 support use the v1.1 branch.
Test cases are written as standard XQuery functions like this:
declare %test:case function string-equality-example ()
let $foo := "foo"
return assert:equal($foo, "foo")
xray can output test results as HTML, XML, xUnit compatible XML, JSON, and plain text, so it should be simple to integrate with your favourite build/ci server.
- Clone/copy/symlink xray into the root directory of your project e.g.
git clone git://github.com/robwhitby/xray.git
git submodule add git://github.com/robwhitby/xray.git
- Create an HTTP app server pointing to the root directory of your project.
- Check all is well at
- Write some tests..
Tests are grouped into library modules in the xray test namespace. Import the xray assertions module along with the modules to be tested.
xquery version "1.0-ml";
module namespace test = "http://github.com/robwhitby/xray/test";
import module namespace assert = "http://github.com/robwhitby/xray/assertions" at "/xray/src/assertions.xqy";
import module namespace some-module = "http://some-module-to-test" at "/some-module-to-test.xqy";
declare %test:case function string-equality-example ()
let $foo := some-module:foo()
return assert:equal($foo, "foo")
declare %test:case function multiple-assert-example ()
let $foo := some-module:foo()
let $bar := "bar"
return (
assert:not-empty($foo, "an optional failure help message"),
assert:equal($foo, "foo"),
assert:not-equal($foo, $bar),
declare %test:ignore function ignored-test-example ()
let $foo := some-module:not-implemented-yet()
return assert:equal($foo, <foo/>)
xray will find all functions with the %test:case
annotation defined in library modules within a specific directory (including sub-directories), and can be told to execute a subset by specifying regex patterns to match tests by module name or test name.
- browser -
- command line - call
with your project parameters (see below, tested on OSX only). - invoke from xquery - import
and callxray:run-tests()
. Seeindex.xqy
for example.
By default, xray looks for a directory called test
at the same level as the xray
project-root/ ├── src ├── test │ └── tests.xqy └── xray
To invoke tests stored elsewhere, set the directory parameter.
usage: test-runner.sh [options...]
-c <user:password> Credential for HTTP authentication.
-d <path> Look for tests in this directory.
-h This message.
-m <regex> Test modules that match this pattern.
-t <regex> Test functions that match this pattern.
-u <URL> HTTP server location where index.xqy can be found.
Rather than modify test-runner.sh or always pass in custom parameters, it's handy to create a small wrapper script in the project root, something like this:
./xray/test-runner.sh -u http://localhost:8765/xray/ -c user:pass -d testdir $*
This still allows using -t
and -m
to select which tests to run but removes the need to constantly set the url and test directory.
See run-xray-tests.sh
for an example.
assert:equal ($actual as item()*, $expected as item()*, [$message as xs:string?])
assert:not-equal ($actual as item()*, $expected as item()*, [$message as xs:string?])
assert:empty ($actual as item()*, [$message as xs:string?])
assert:not-empty ($actual as item()*, [$message as xs:string?])
assert:error ($actual as item()*, $expected-error-name as xs:string, [$message as xs:string?])
assert:true ($actual as item()*, [$message as xs:string?])
assert:false ($actual as item()*, [$message as xs:string?])
See src/assertions.xqy
for the assertion definitions. All assertions are overloaded to accept an optional message parameter to provide more information of failures.
Use the annotations %test:setup
and %test:teardown
. If defined, the setup function is invoked before any tests, and in a different transaction so any database updates are visible to the tests. The teardown function is executed after all tests in that module have finished.
See test/setup-teardown.xqy
for an example.
Tests can be ignored by adding the %test:ignore
declare %test:ignore function this-test-will-be-ignored()
The app server user must belong to a role with the following execute privileges:
, xdmp:filesystem-directory
, xdmp:filesystem-file
, xdmp:invoke
, xdmp:xslt-invoke
To work with modules stored in a modules database, the additional privileges are required:
And the user must have read rights to files in the modules db.