
Translations for Angular project

./src/assets/i18n Structure and Definitions

The translation keys are encoded as follows, <PageViewVariant><ThingInsideThePage><ElementSuffix>:

  • The first camelCased words attempts to capture what higher-order component the text occurs in, e.g. pageHeaderSettingsMenuManageUsersButtonText is to be interpreted as something located in the page header settings menu. Other higher-order components are:

    • loginPage, the view used to authenticate the user, and also create a new password when a password reset is required by the system

    • landingPage, the landing page shown after logging in, where the user can select a feature to use (Pricing, Stores)

    • priceMgmt, the UI for interacting with device models and their associated price cards, containing ...

      • priceMgmtModelsList, list of device models and buttons to add/edit/delete them (priceMgmtModels<Add/Edit>Device)

      • priceMgmtCardsList, the list of price cards shown after selecting a device model and buttons to add/edit/view/delete them (priceMgmt<AddOrEdit/View>PriceCard)

    • storeInfo, the UI for uploading, mapping and viewing operator store data ("stores that sell mobile phones and subscriptions")

    • contentMgmt, upcoming feature for managing content (for display on a mobile phone)

    • pageHeader, page top header with menu buttons for accessing settings, signing out, et cetera

    • usersList, view accessible via the page header action menu if you're a super admin; lists all users with action buttons to reset passwords, deactivate and re-activate accounts, also provides the usersListCreateUser sub-view

    • instangeSettingsPage, another view accessible from page header action menu for super admins; enables the admin to review hard coded instance (deployment) settings, wipe all store data, and configure the "promotion tags" that are to be allowed in "price card promotions"

    • storeInfoGuide, a UI view that allows the operator to upload store data CSVs and map columns to data types, assign columns used for "price card target filters" and identify the unique store identifier

    • auth collects common authentication and authorization error messages that might occur at any time due to insufficient privileges or authorization token expiration's

    • Lastly, the generic prefix collects various common texts rendered in every other view, not tied to any specific component

  • The suffix is typically <SomethingSomething>ButtonText, <SomethingSomething>DialogMessage et cetera, with the following meanings:

    • HeaderText, a HTML page header (<h1> tag or Angular Material <mat-card-header>)

    • Message, a full sentence ending in punctuation, typically a paragraph (<p>) HTML element

      • DialogMessage, displayed as the main text in a mat-dialog

      • ErrorMessage, variant of message displayed either in a error dialog OR in a input field validation error

      • SnackbarMessage, full sentence presented in a Angular snack-bar

    • ComponentName, a component name reusable in various context (does not end in punctuation)

    • ComponentHint, a hint on what is the purpose of a component (does not end in punctuation)

    • DialogTitle, title of a mat-dialog pop-up

    • ButtonText, the text of a action button

    • Placeholder, words for a input field placeholder

    • InputHint, the hint shown under a input field, example: input with hints

    • CheckboxLabel, label on a checkbox

    • StepperLabel, label for a "step" in a Angular Material stepper navigation layout

    • ColumnName, column name in a mat-table

    • AriaLabel, descriptive label for icons and buttons that can be read by screen readers (see MDN docs for more info)

    • Label, when it's no other type of label, some short text snippet somewhere in the UI

    • SelectOption, value displayed as an option in a mat-select element

The site that these translations are to be rendered on can be seen here: https://pricing.sto-dev-viewspot.smithmicro.io/ (ask someone for login credentials)

Q & A

(Below follows a list of questions and clarifications requested during processing by the translation service.)

Question: What does "pricing" mean? Is it the prices of things, or the action of managing prices?

Answer: Managing price information cards based on phone model, for the purpose of a mobile phone application to ask the server about it and display it on the screen.

Question: What is a "store"?

Answer: We use the term Store to refer to a mobile network operator retail outlet, where they sell phones/gadgets and their subscription plans.

Question: What is a "card"?

Answer: We use the term Price Card— or simply Card —to refer to a set of prices, "promotions", texts and attributes that are to be used to dynamically render price information on the screen of a client device. The price card also includes rank, requirements and validity data that determines whether it will be the one returned by the server when client X requests "the best card for its model and location".

Question: What is a "promotion"?

Answer: It's a sort of ad or marketing thingy inside the client side presentation of the price card. "Buy it today, the offer expires tomorrow!", "Trade in your old phone and get money for free on purchase." et cetera. These promotions also have their own variations of fineprint texts, classification "tags" and other things.

Question: What is "fineprint"?

Answer: The tiny legalese texts that are always there when you want to buy something as a consumer. E.g. "24 mo contract period, cancellation fee $50 per month."