



Education and Skills

B.S. Statistics and Data Science - UC Davis

Programming in Python, R, C++
Machine Learning: supervised and unsupervised; regression and classification
Data Analysis: hypothesis testing, and statistical modeling
Visualization in Tableau, Python, R, Excel
SQL and relational databases
Technical Writing and results communication


IT Support Assistant - TRC Healthcare

• Provisioned VMWare virtual machines and configured workstations
Administered user accounts through Windows, Azure, and Google
• Provided technical support and troubleshooting
• Wrote instructional documentation and developed infrastructure maps
• Created new inventory tracking system
• Utilized Atlassian Suite tools to coordinate projects among departments


Traffic Stops Dashboard

An interactive Tableau dashboard which shows demographic and location data in relation to the traffic stops conducted by San Francisco police. Reveals key differences in outcomes between different neighborhoods and different stop reasons.
View on Tableau Public
View without interactivity as PDF

Stocks by Sector Web App

An interactive dashboard web app built with Plotly Dash that displays stock data aggregated across sectors. Select a sector type and view the top companies, the market weights of the industries within that sector, and the distributions for stock price, market volume, and 50 day averages of all the NASDAQ tickers within the sector. The data is updated daily.
View Dashboard Online
Repo Link

Selected Academic Works

Predicting Student Dropouts in Higher Education

Compares the accuracy and computational efficiency of different machine learning classification models for predicting which students would drop out of university, including logistic regression, SVM, and random foresting. Discusses the affects of using different matrix decomposition and convergence methods on algorithm efficiency. Constructs a model that predicts whether a student will drop out with 88% accuracy and optimal efficiency using logistic regression with gradient descent.
View in Google Drive

Image Analysis

Compared the different “Shot Marilyn” paintings using various image analysis techniques, including image segmentation by clustering and several detailed visualizations. Reveals similarities and differences between image components in the context of art interpretation.
View in Google Drive

Works in Progress

Housing Location Analysis: Repo Link

An analysis of the effect that a house's proximity to other locations of interest (parks, schools, etc.) has on its price. Data obtained through webscraping and geocoding API, and analyzed via regression.

Marilyn Monroe: Repo Link

A web app built with Streamlit for a data-based interpretation of Andy Warhol's "Shot Marilyn" using the color data of the images.