WebP Exporter for GIMP

This Script-Fu script for GIMP allows users to export an image in multiple predefined sizes as WebP files. It automatically handles scaling and saving the images with specified quality settings.


  • Multiple Sizes: Exports images in 1920px, 1440px, 960px, 720px, and 480px widths.
  • Quality Settings: Allows configuration of image and alpha channel quality.
  • File Naming: Automatically prefixes filenames to indicate image width.


Ensure you have GIMP installed on your computer to use this Script-Fu script.


  1. Download the Script: Download the script file and place it in your GIMP scripts folder, typically found at: ~/gimp-2.x/scripts/

  2. Refresh Scripts: In GIMP, go to Filters > Script-Fu > Refresh Scripts.


  1. Open an Image: Open the image you wish to export in different sizes in GIMP.
  2. Run the Script: Navigate to File > Export > Export as WebP in sizes.
  3. Set Parameters:
  • Directory: Choose the directory to save the exported files.
  • Prefix: Enter a prefix for the output filenames to help identify them later.
  1. Export: Click 'OK' to export the images. You will receive a notification once all images have been successfully exported.


  • Matthew Blum


This script is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Please use it at your own risk.