
a tool for saving or converting canvas as img

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a tool of saving or converting canvas to images. It allow also to saveAsImage with filename defined by you! No longer meaningless browser default filenames that may scare some people.




you can just use it like this

Canvas2Image.saveAsImage(canvasObj, width, height, type, filename, background)
Canvas2Image.saveAsPNG(canvasObj, width, height, filename, background)
Canvas2Image.saveAsJPEG(canvasObj, width, height, filename, background)
Canvas2Image.saveAsGIF(canvasObj, width, height, filename, background)
Canvas2Image.saveAsBMP(canvasObj, width, height, filename, background)
	- filename should be a string without extension
	- background should be a boolean value - if the canvas before save should be 
	filled with white backgound or not

Canvas2Image.convertToImage(canvasObj, width, height, type)
Canvas2Image.convertToPNG(canvasObj, widht, height)
Canvas2Image.convertToJPEG(canvasObj, widht, height)
Canvas2Image.convertToGIF(canvasObj, widht, height)
Canvas2Image.convertToBMP(canvasObj, widht, height)

Supported browsers

I have tested this new feature (custom filename) with following browsers:

  • Opera 12.16 1860 NOK
  • Google Chrome 34.0.1847.132 OK
  • Mozilla Firefox 29.0 OK

More (IE) will be tested soon.

  • NOK => everything seems to be working but saved with browser default filename
  • OK => everything seems to be working fine