
A multi-threaded server written in C that implements POP3 protocol.

Primary LanguageC


@mainpage https://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/~dzeina/courses/epl421/assignments/as4.pdf
@author Elia Nicolaou,Pantelis Mikelli, Michail-Panagiotis Mpofos
@filename utilities.c,basicFeatures.c,configManagement.c,queue.c,server.c,server,h,library.h,queue.h
@bugs not known bugs.

How to compile: make 
How to run: 
 - Server : ./pop3
 - Client : telnet localhost portnumber ( given by the server )

 Assigment's purpose
The purpose of the application is to get acquainted with various advanced technical configurations interrogative responses, interprocess communications, 
TCP / IP communications and multinomial competition in the language C. 
The second purpose is to do the required work as group in order to implement the program.
Create a server based on POP3 protocol.
