Fluent Model Builder for the DevExpress.ExpressApp Framework
We have a solution:
Use flutent syntax to assign attributes to your existing XPO code.
Inspired by EntityFramework it can provide the metadata and attributes required by the XAF-Framework.
Based on the Fluent-Interface-Pattern it will cure the problem of dealing with String-Magic in Attributes for Criterias, PropertyNames and other ugly stuff in your ModelCode.
For our UnitTest Project we have this simple classes:
class TargetClass
internal const string StringProperty_PropertyName = "StringProperty";
internal const string StringProperty_Format = "{0:" + StringProperty_PropertyName + "}";
internal string StringProperty { get; set; }
internal DateTime DateTimeProperty { get; set; }
internal DateTime? NullableDateTimeProperty { get; set; }
internal ReferencedTargetClass OneToReferencedTarget { get; set; }
class ReferencedTargetClass
public string Prop { get; set; }
Don't be afraid, that it is not a XPO/EF class, but it will be recognized by the excelent typesystem of XAF (ITypesInfo
, ITypeInfo
, IMemberInfo
, ect.)
For XAF we can capsulate the mapping in a derived class called XafBuilderManager
class TestXafModelBuilderManager : XafBuilderManager
public TestXafModelBuilderManager(ITypesInfo typesInfo) : base(typesInfo)
public override IEnumerable<IBuilder> BuildUpModel(ITypesInfo typesInfo)
yield return new TargetClassBuilder(typesInfo);
var builder2 = ModelBuilder.Create<ReferencedTargetClass>(typesInfo);
builder2.For(m => m.Prop)
yield return builder2;
As you can see here we have 2 options to map our classes: as a seperate class derived from ModelBuilder<T>
called TargetClassBuilder
in this example, or map all the stuff in this class, with the fluent interface.
class TargetClassBuilder : ModelBuilder<TargetClass>
public TargetClassBuilder(ITypesInfo typesInfo) : base(typesInfo)
public TargetClassBuilder(ITypeInfo typeInfo) : base(typeInfo)
protected override void BuildUp()
For(m => m.DateTimeProperty)
.Targeting(m => m.StringProperty)
.When(CriteriaOperator.Parse("DateTimeProperty == @Today()"))
For(m => m.StringProperty)
For(m => m.StringProperty)
.When("StringProperty == 'foo'")
.ExceptingTarget(m => m.NullableDateTimeProperty);
Basically everything is there from the XAF-Team. We have this little method in our Modules we can override called CustomizeTypesInfo
. Everything we need to do is to let the magic begin and call our constructor:
public sealed partial class TestModule : ModuleBase
public override void CustomizeTypesInfo(ITypesInfo typesInfo)
new TestXafModelBuilderManager(typesInfo);
Thats a great question:
There are 2 possible solutions:
Use ModelBuilder<T>.WithAttribute(Attribute attribute)
or ModelBuilder<T>.WithAttribute<TAttribute>(Action<TAttribute> attributeOptions)
For(m => m.StringProperty)
.WithAttribute(new YourProperty("whatever"));
Write a new Extention-Method that adds syntactic sugar to the whole thing (ConditionalAppearance
is realized with this):
public static class ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder
public static ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> UsingAppearance<TProp, T>(this PropertyBuilder<TProp, T> builder, string shortId = "Visiblity")
var appearanceBuilder = new ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T>(builder, shortId);
(builder as IBuilderManager).AddBuilder(appearanceBuilder);
return appearanceBuilder;
Don't focus on to much detail here, this just returns a new IBuilder
for PropertyBuilder<TProp, T>.UsingAppearance
The implementation it self is very simple, but needs to handle the DefaultValues of the AppearanceAttribute, so it needs to use state, to init the _AppearanceItemTypeValue
and the AppearanceContext
public class ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> : IBuilder
private readonly PropertyBuilder<TProp, T> _Builder;
private string _AppearanceItemTypeValue;
private string _Context;
internal AppearanceAttribute _Attribute;
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder(PropertyBuilder<TProp, T> builder, string shortId)
_Builder = builder;
_Attribute = new AppearanceAttribute(typeof(T).FullName + "." + builder.MemberInfo.Name + "." + shortId);
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> UsingForeColor(Color color)
var converter = System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(color);
_Attribute.FontColor = converter.ConvertToString(color);
return this;
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> UsingBackColor(Color color)
var converter = System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(color);
_Attribute.BackColor = converter.ConvertToString(color);
return this;
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> UsingFontStyle(FontStyle style)
_Attribute.FontStyle = style;
return this;
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> HavingPriority(int priority)
_Attribute.Priority = priority;
return this;
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> IsVisible()
_Attribute.Visibility = ViewItemVisibility.Show;
return this;
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> IsVisibleAsEmptySpace()
_Attribute.Visibility = ViewItemVisibility.ShowEmptySpace;
return this;
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> IsNotVisible()
_Attribute.Visibility = ViewItemVisibility.Hide;
return this;
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> IsEnabled()
_Attribute.Enabled = true;
return this;
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> IsNotEnabled()
_Attribute.Enabled = false;
return this;
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> When(string criteria)
_Attribute.Criteria = criteria;
return this;
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> When(CriteriaOperator criteria)
_Attribute.Criteria = criteria.ToString();
return this;
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> ForItemsOfType(AppearanceItemType appearanceItemType)
return ForItemsOfType(appearanceItemType.ToString());
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> ForItemsOfType(string appearanceItemType)
_AppearanceItemTypeValue = _AppearanceItemTypeValue.AppendString(appearanceItemType);
return this;
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> ForLayoutItems()
return ForItemsOfType(AppearanceItemType.LayoutItem);
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> ForViewItems()
return ForItemsOfType(AppearanceItemType.ViewItem);
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> ForActions()
return ForItemsOfType(AppearanceItemType.Action);
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> InTheContextOf(string context)
_Context = _Context.AppendString(context);
return this;
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> InDetailViewContext()
return InTheContextOf(ViewType.DetailView.ToString());
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> InAnyContext()
return InTheContextOf(ViewType.Any.ToString());
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> InListViewContext()
return InTheContextOf(ViewType.ListView.ToString());
public PropertyBuilder<TProp, T> Build()
return _Builder;
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> Targeting(string property)
_Attribute.TargetItems = _Attribute.TargetItems.AppendString(property);
return this;
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> TargetingAll()
return Targeting("*");
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> ExceptingTarget(string property)
return Targeting(property);
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> Targeting<TProp2>(Expression<Func<T, TProp2>> property)
return Targeting(_Builder._Fields.GetPropertyName(property));
public ConditionalAppearancePropertyBuilder<TProp, T> ExceptingTarget<TProp2>(Expression<Func<T, TProp2>> property)
return ExceptingTarget(_Builder._Fields.GetPropertyName(property));
void IBuilder.Build()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_AppearanceItemTypeValue))
_Attribute.AppearanceItemType = _AppearanceItemTypeValue;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_Context))
_Attribute.Context = _Context;
##Where do i get it?##
Currently it is easy as brush your teeth using NuGet:
- For XAF-Only Attributes:
Install-Package ExpressApp.FluentModelBuilder.XAF
- For the ConditionalAppearance part use:
Install-Package ExpressApp.FluentModelBuilder.ConditionalAppearance
Currently this is very alpha stuff, but it works brilliant for this easy example so far :)
Feel free to contact, fork or ask me for questions on twitter, facebook or Email:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/biohaz999
- FB: https://www.facebook.com/manuel.grundner
- E-Mail: m.grundner at paragraph-software dot at