The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy Twitter Bot @hhggbot Version 0.0


  • Twitter Streaming API for listening for new messages
  • Frotz ( for processing original story file
  • MySQL for server storage of game state, keyed from @username
  • (More important for later) Inform 7 tool for creating new interactive fiction files

Todos: How much game state must Frotz be fed, to understand where the user is? |__More to the point - how does Frotz store game states? Are multiple instances required??

What is simplest way to create custom templated pages for long reponses / images / eastereggs? |__Should we cache / reuse long response pages, or generate per user?

Can we pass messages into / out of Frtoz via something other than C? (God I hope so...)

Register when appropriate / ready

Dependencies Installed: twitstream 0.1, tlslite (to support twitstream)