
Easy way to get vroom up and running locally.


Simply run the start.sh script included in the root folder. This starts


ORS instance at localhost:8080. This takes quite some time to download Austria map data and update the database.

You will see a text like the following in ors container log when it finished importing data:

====> Recycling garbage...
Before:  Total - 1.81 GB, Free - 580.30 MB, Max: 2 GB, Used - 1.24 GB
After:  Total - 2 GB, Free - 792.11 MB, Max: 2 GB, Used - 1.23 GB
====> Memory usage by profiles:
[1] 573.04 MB (45.6%)
Total: 573.04 MB (45.6%)

Before you can't send any queries.

Vroom API

At localhost:3000. There is also a test.http file with a sample request for the api. In case you're wondering what the geometry value is in the response: This is a encoded polyline which needs to be decoded. There is a tool from google which you can use for this online: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/utilities/polylineutility

Vroom Frontend

Further the start script installs and starts a local instance of vroom frontend at But this needs some changes for OSR:

vroom-frontend issue

The frontend is using the default profile for cars. But when using ORS the default is 'car' which doesn't exist. Requests need to set cars to profile 'driving-car'. I haven't found any place to configure this but I found a workaround by changing the solution_handler.js:

var vehicles = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(dataHandler.getVehicles()));
for (let i = 0; i < vehicles.length; i++) {
    vehicles[i].profile = 'driving-car';
var input = {
    jobs: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(dataHandler.getJobs())),
    shipments: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(dataHandler.getShipments())),
    vehicles: vehicles,
    "options": {
        "g": true

The variable input is used for sending data to vroom api but has no profile set. The loop introduces that param.

You can see the same profile setting in the test.http file. Without that profile you get 400 from the API telling you that there is no 'car' profile.

You can also change the initial location when opening the frontend in leaflet_setup.js at initCenter.