
Interfacing MAXQDA's exchange files

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

maxqdar – Interfacing MAXQDA’s exchange files with R





Extracting coded fragments as a data frame with start and end character positions:

f <- system.file("exdata/test.mex", package="maxqdar")
## Warning in extract_mex_codings(f): number of preview strings 63 chars long = 17

## # A tibble: 402 × 9
##       ID TextID WordID Preview                 start   end file_…¹ tag   previ…²
##    <int>  <int>  <int> <chr>                   <int> <int> <chr>   <chr>   <int>
##  1     1      2      8 AVISO                      30    35 0_229   TYPE        5
##  2     2      2      7 secretário de estado,      39    61 0_229   ROLE       21
##  3     3      2      5 Diogo de Mendonça Cort…    61    90 0_229   PERS…      28
##  4     4      2      5 Aires de Saldanha de A…   123   155 0_229   PERS…      32
##  5     5      2      5 José de Sousa Valdez      254   274 0_229   PERS…      20
##  6     6      2      5 Lucas Ribeiro de Almei…   392   417 0_229   PERS…      24
##  7     7      2      7 capitão-mor de Vila Re…   366   392 0_229   ROLE       25
##  8     8      2      7 governador do Rio de J…    93   121 0_229   ROLE       28
##  9     9      2      7 soldados                  311   319 0_229   ROLE        8
## 10    10      2      4 1722, Maio, 28              7    21 0_229   DATE       14
## # … with 392 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​file_name,
## #   ²​preview_length
  • CAUTION: The Preview column provides at most 63-character long part of the coded string. If the limit is reached the function gives a warning.
