
Change the current desktop wallpaper

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Change the current desktop wallpaper with a selection from the given path


$ backslide [OPTION]... PATH...


This script parses the folder path for image files and changes the current wallpaper. Currently, only JPEG and PNG files are supported. From the list of wallpapers found and the current wallpaper, backslide will automatically select the next wallpaper in the list. If option -r is enabled, a random wallpaper is selected. If option -l is enabled, the wallpaper with the latest timestamp is selected.


  • -d environment

    Force setting of wallpaper for specified desktop environment. If the user has an X session running, the value will be detected automatically. If backslide is invoked via a cronjob, this setting is mandatory. The following settings are supported: gnome, mate, and xfce.

  • -R

    Recurse into subfolders when parsing path for PNG and JPEG files

  • -r

    Select a random image file from the list of wallpapers

  • -l

    Select the latest file from the list of wallpapers

  • -h

    Show this help message


Clone the remote repository and change into the local repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/mboljen/backslide
$ cd backslide

Use the following command to install this software:

$ make
$ make install

The default PREFIX is set to /usr/local. In order to successfully complete the installation, you need to have write permissions for the installation location.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
